God Sows the Land: Hosea’s Place in the Book of the Twelve
Laurie J. Braaten, Eastern Nazarene College
SBL 2000 Seminar Papers, pp. 218-41
    There is current interest in reading the twelve minor prophets as a single work -- the Book of the Twelve.  This paper proposes to isolate an important theological thread uniting this Book: the Land (’eres).  A land inclusio provides a significant theological frame for the Book of the Twelve.  Hosea 1-2 introduces the reader to land vocabulary and imagery.  In Hosea land is often the focal point of Yahweh’s judgment and salvation, presented in terms of the uncreation and re-creation of the land occupied by Israel.   Malachi 3-4 contains conditional promises of a restored land, then closes with an editorial postscript proclaiming that unless conditions change, Yahweh will strike the land with a curse (herem).  In Hosea and Malachi this judgment against the land is threatened against a community plagued with false worship.  In both prophets salvation is promised as a work initiated by Yahweh, but is only sustained as the people "return" responsively to their God.
        A sequential reading reveals that the land theme is a continuous strand throughout the Twelve.  Hosea sets the stage with employment of creation and fertility language and imagery throughout his book.  This image becomes paradigmatic of Yahweh’s more comprehensive work of re-creation of the land as a renewed earth.  This re-creation theme broadens in scope to include all nations and inhabitants of creation as recipients of either God’s judgment or salvation.
        A second and closely connected frame is provided by the theme of God’s displaced child(ren).  Disowned in Hosea due to "whoredom" and "illegitimacy," God’s child is displaced from the land.  The child is later reclaimed and flourishes as part of God’s creative work of restoration.  Malachi contains related imagery.  Like the land theme, the displaced and reclaimed child is paradigmatic for the more comprehensive work of the restoration of all creation.

Structual Summary of paper.
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    For comment contact Laurie J. Braaten at [email protected].


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