Philip Ponds Homestead

Phillip Ponds Homestead

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Laurie's Rustic Photo Blog

On a previous trip to the Roxby Downs area I photographed the rising sun through a rear window of Phillip Ponds Homestead. Whilst I felt quite good about the image, it attracted some criticism on the basis that there was too much black around the window image.

The artist, I'm told, must answere his critics, and the best way to do this is to churn out more work.

So here it is. This time it's the sun at the opposite end of the day, having just sunk below the horizon.

Three sides bordering the colourful central image are the doorway of Phillip Ponds Homestead, while the bottom border is the horizon.

I rather like my picture of Phillip Ponds Homestead, with its brilliant centre occupying the negative space formed by the doorway and the horizon. It speaks to me of the hardship encountered by the early pastoralists, the harshness of the country and the stark, rugged beauty found in the arid desert by those with an eye for it.

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