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What's an eBook?


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What's an ebook?
eBooks are the same as print books, only the binding is different. Whereas print books are made of paper and glue, eBooks are composed of bits and bytes (electronic files). eBooks offer another opportunity for people to read amazing books.

How do I read an ebook?
eBooks come in electronic formats that can be downloaded over the internet and read from your computer, a laptop, a dedicated reading device, or printed out on paper. There are several free ebook readers available to read ebooks on your computer monitor. The handheld devices can be purchased either via the internet or through your local computer shop.
Some dedicated readers have a back light and the font size can be increased, so this makes ebooks particularly attractive to the visually impaired. Another advantage to ebooks is that they are fresh and original works that readers often cannot find in a bookstore. And no trees have been felled to produce them! eBooks also take up less space and don't need to be dusted!

How do I purchase an ebook?
Most electronic publishers have a website where you can purchase original books as either a download or CD. You can pay online with your credit card or through PayPal. If you order a download, it will be sent to you as an email attachment within 24 hours. Cds are sent via regular mail and will take a little longer. Most ebook publishers will also accept personal cheques (sent via regular mail) if you are uncomfortable using your credit card online.
Please visit my epublisher, Electric eBook Publishing, for more details.

Which Handheld Reading Devices are currently available?
Casio Cassiopeia E-115 Color Pocket PC
Compaq Aero 1550 Pocket PC
Handspring Visor
Hewlett-Packard Jornada 545 Color Pocket PC
Palm IIIc
Rocket eBook Pro
Softbook Reader
Everybook Reader Professional
Franklin eBookman

Free Readers:

Adobe Acrobat Reader - The most common is the Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded for free from Adobe. This reader is for documents and ebooks done in the PDF format.

Adobe eBook Reader - Adobe® Acrobat® eBook Reader™ is the ultimate way to view the growing number of eBooks in the marketplace today. The Acrobat eBook Reader combines a vivid, elegant reading experience with an easy-to-use, intuitive interface and features you won't find anywhere else. It's easy to download the software .

Microsoft Reader - Microsoft Reader offers the pleasure of reading enhanced by the benefits of technology. Try the first electronic reading software with ClearType™ technology and enjoy an unmatched on-screen reading experience.

Mobipocket Reader - Mobipocket.com is the universal reader for PDAs: the Mobipocket software package is freely downloadable from their web site, and consists of publishing and reading tools dedicated to PDA devices (Windows CE, Palm OS and Psion).

PDF Reader - The PDF reader is for all EPOC PDA's like the Psion 5MX and Psion Revo Plus, the Diamond Mako, and the Osaris (among others). If you have a handheld reader, this is worth a look. They offer both a free and an advanced version.

Peanut Reader - If you have a Palm Pilot, Handspring Visor, or any other Palm OS or CE device you can be off reading eBooks in minutes. Read books and periodicals wherever you are and whenever your schedule permits! NOTE: You need a PDA (handheld computer) running Palm OS or CE to read peanutpress.com eBooks.

Rocket Librarian - eRocket gives you the experience of the Rocket eBook right on your PC. Download the eRocket and read thousands of FREE titles in RocketEdition. Create your own titles or download them from Rocket-Library.com and read them on eRocket.

Fugue Software - The viewer supports standard HTML v3.2 including frames, GIF, JPG, BMP and PNG graphics formats, MPEG, WAV and AVI multimedia formats.

TK3 Reader - What Is TK3? TK3 is a format for electronic books that handles text, hypertext, and rich media, including pictures, audio, video, web links. To use TK3 books, you need to get the free TK3 Reader from the Night Kitchen website, www.nightkitchen.com/downloadreader/. You can download it before or after you get your first TK3 books.
What is a TK3 book? Published TK3 books work like real books: pages turn instead of scrolling, you can bookmark them by "dog-earing" the corners, and you can make notes on the pages or highlight text. Once you've got the book on your computer, you don't have to wait for pages, pictures, audio or video files to load, so you can enjoy an uninterrupted reading experience. All the text in a TK3 book - even your own marginalia - is searchable by word or by phrase. And TK3 Reader comes with a built-in notebook where you can write notes on what you're reading and drag in text, audio and video for later reference -- TK3 Reader will even remember to cite the reference for you.
Where do TK3 books come from? TK3 books are made with TK3 Author, a tool that offers a simple drag-and-drop interface for making fully functional, media-rich electronic books -- no programming knowledge required. TK3 Author is also available from Night Kitchen at www.nightkitchen.com.

For more information on ebooks, please visit: www.ebookconnections.com/ReadersPrimer/
Reader’s Ebook Primer An Introduction and Guide to the World of Electronic Books
www.deb-e-books.simplenet.com/eread.htm www.geocities.com/mdbenoit_2000/ebookman.html


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