Laurelsong's Bio

It is part of my mission in life to communicate healing
impressions through my painting. I work at capturing the
feelings and images that move me. As I paint, a part of me
flows through and comes out in my art

When I look at nature, the lights, darks, shadows and the images
- the life force communicates with me on many levels. There is a
connection between the beings I am depicting, and it is my desire
to share that communication with others.

For us to be healthy, we must spend time being creative. In teaching art
for 25 years, I encouraged universal self-acceptance. Observing nature.
develops our artistic abilities As we are present with nature it connects.
us with what I believe is god.

I started painting before I could walk. I grew up in New York City in the art scene with
my mother, Daphne Clark, in the 1950s and 60s. She was an abstract expressionist and
also did portraits. To make it as an artist she felt she had to be in New York City.

We lived in Soho when artists first started taking over industrial space to have room to work.
Several artists bought three buildings together. Each got a live-in loft. When we had art openings,
the fire doors were opened up and we could walk through each of the floors. As a young girl,
I would wander through brightly-colored neon tubes, cubes, and other exciting exhibits.
It was an amazing time for me.

My dad, Ralph Cook, started, directed and produced Theater Genesis, an off-off Broadway
theater in St. Marks Church in the Bowery of New York City. He produced Sam Shephard's first plays.

I participated for years in my mom's art classes. Later I went to Laney College in Oakland California,
where I studied watercolor, mechanical drawing, Chinese watercolors and life drawing.

I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Floyd Virginia with my husband Luke Staengl. We are creating an
intentional community designed around renewable energy and permaculture. I have two amazing,
wonderful grown children. My daughter lives in Portland Oregon, and my son is currently traveling
through Asia.

It will be a wonderful day when our society fully supports the arts

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