Laura – Laurel of Victory

My Diary

In Deutsch




My Gallery

My Diary

My Curriculum Vitae

My Parents

My Family

My Home(s)

My Pets

My Friends

Meaning of My Name


-         sign

-         read




Keety and her Grandma picked us up to go to the Chinese/Japanese Garden. we drank typical Chinese tea. Keety had a weird smokey one which tasted like smoked sausages (according to the others because I never ate sausages and smokey sausages before). Mummy had one tea full of flowers and stuff… But it was fun. And again we went to a playground.



Lizzie is going to Spain today to study. We brought her to the airport. She played with me in a toy plane. a little boy was there, he didn’t want to play with me :o(. He got all mad and hysteric once he saw me. Then again, I picked up my Oma and we went to another shopping centre to eat ice cream. Well, mummy got some clothes.



We had breakfast with Lizzie and Keety. After that I picked up my Oma from her work. Well, my mummy pushed me there. We went shopping and got me loads of clothes.

Daddy started college today. Good luck, Daddy. We love you.



We got up early again. There was a Zoo outside Berlin where we went to. I was allowed to stroke the baby animals. I’ve seen Pumbaa and Timon from Lion King. And even a small zebra who was meant to be small. And again there was a playground.

In the afternoon, we visited my second great-grandma. My mothers cousins where there too. Wow, they are big, my mum told me that they used to be much smaller. we had lovely cakes and fruit. I eat healthy here, haha.



Today is Saturday, the day we went to Germany. We got up very early at 4 am. I had a very short night. Daddy brought me to bed the evening before and forgot to put my nappy on. I therefore woke up again and had my nappy changed. But  I wasn’t tired when I was waken at 4 am. Anyway I didn’t sleep until we landed on German ground. I slept till we had to leave the plane. Opa and Oma picked us up. It was very hot. We went straight to my Uroma in Treuenbrietzen. We ate grapes fresh from the garden, afterwards I went playing  on a playground. Eeehhhh, it was sandy and I every time I changed the shoes I droped a whole sand pit.   



I know I didn’t write for a long time. But we were busy to pack the stuff for Germany.

Last Saturday I was invited to a birthday party. My friend Caoimhe turned 3. We went to the Pirats Den in Dundalk. That was fun. There was a area for kids aged 2-4 and one for bigger kids. Well, I climbed into the bigger one when noone saw me. But I definitelu was missing some hight. You have to be big enough to climb through holes to another level. As I said I was too small :o(. We had fish and chips to eat after.



It was a beautiful day again and we used that lovely weather to go for a nice walk down at Beaulieu House Gardens. The big house had lots of old stuff. I was even allowed to sit in an 18 Hundredth Century. You should have seen the Gardens… There was a little hut with a well and many pot plants. Three dogs found their way up to me. I found a little basket full of raspberry which I couldn’t resist to eat. Hopefully, noone saw me stealing them but I suppose they did because Mummy wiped my sticky red mouth afterwards.

Later that day we went into a little forest. There was a swing made of a tyre on which Daddy put. Huuiiii, that was fun. I didn’t even fall. Mummy took a few pictures which are added in the Gallery.



Today, we went for a days walk. Na Well, it was only have a day long. After Dinner we started it. First to the beach and up the hills to the highest point of Clogherhead. Through fields and rocks. On the way up we filled our bellies with blackberries. There weren’t many there yet, wrong season, I suppose. We had a beautiful view over Clogherhead and Termonfeckin. The sun was shining and the sea was asking for a swim. On the way back, we took a short cut, which was longer at the end because we went straight through a high gras field. After the long trip we cooled our feet and legs in the water. I was afraid of it though. Well, it was cold, too. Brrrr!



Mummy and I went for a walk. We decided to go to Nana’s, but she wasn’t there. Therefore we kept going. I went the whole way on my own – no buggy. Mummy says I should learn not to use the buggy all the times.



Today, we went again to the Mother-and-Toddler-Group. We go to that group since I’m about a month old. All my friends grew up there. We have pink buggies to play. And I always take Heidi, my doll with me to push her around. Daddy named her Heidi since that day he saw that German Heidi film. Anyway, I don’t play with pink buggies, who am I if I do so. I play with the bigger ones. Unfortunately, the buggy takes all the chairs with it. But the main thing is, I have fun.

After the group, we went to Maria and her baby Mia’s home. The baby is still small. I’m always helpful and know what to do next. I bring Mia the bottle or her favourite toy. However, I can handle a baby situation.



I went to the crèche again today. We already play Family there. I always play the child and go to bed with no hesitation. Mummy says, she will be thankful, if I go to bed on my own at home and not just wait till I’m asked to do so. But at home we don’t play Family, do we.



Hhm, not much happened. I washed the dishes. I already can do that on my own. But I’m not allowed says Mami. I could fall from the chair. As I wouldn’t be big enough to do so. 2’11”? Is big, isn’t it? Well, there are certainly smaller people!

We also went for a walk on the beach today. We saw a ship wreck and after we went for a game of golf. Well, we only went across a golf coarse. Wow, there were loads of balls flying high. However, I wasn’t allowed to “play”, otherwise I would have caught one just before a hole :o). Daddy picked us up at the end.



I sat on the potty today. Lizzie, my Mummy’s friend, thought it was funny seeing me reading while doing the business.

She was also amazed when I found the missing piece of a jigsaw. My mum’s friends looked for it since yesterday. I knew exactly where it was – beneath the sofa. Well, between you and me, I put the piece there in the first place. So don’t tell her though!!!



Today I learned a new word: ALDI. I know we always go shopping there.

I sing more now, too.



I enjoyed the crèche today again. We glued and painted. Ben took all my stuff. Nana, I had no wet pants today. I’m a good girl, am I? Well, Germany here we come – all dry. Juhuh!!

My Godmother is came, Mamas friends from Germany came to visit. I was shy like always. Well, I need some time to break the ice. We went for a walk down the beach and we saw a huuuuuuuuuuge boat. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get in (too small). *sulking*




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