Laura Kathleen English:
Creative Thinker
Experienced Writer
Skilled Communicator
Experienced Writer
Skilled Communicator
Creative Thinker
What will I find on this site?

This is a website designed to enhance your understanding of who I am as a professional and as an individual. I believe both are important for you to know.
While browsing, you will find out where my skills and talents lie, what my experience has taught me, and what I can offer.

Please begin by choosing from the three links on the left. 
This is my updated resume with basic contact information, work history, education, skills, and other facts.
These are writing samples I have done. They include press releases, small news articles and even school assignments.
These are links for further information on various other people and organizations of potential interest
You're guest number
*disclaimer...this is an experimental/rough draft website
A Little About Me:

Although I was born in Seoul, Korea, I have spent the past 22 years in Columbus, Ohio. I love this city and am excited about the developments taking place, particularly in the downtown area (where I reside). This city has always had the heart of a big city and it is finally beginning to look and act like the big city I knew it could be.

Besides the development of downtown Columbus, my other interests include violin, volunteer work and, of course, writing.

Things I would like to learn someday....
-Sign language
-How to cook
-Automotive skills
-How to successfully develop  a (my) career

There's really not much more to say at the moment. More mindless chatter and updates can be found in my
blog. Thank you for stopping by my page! Sign the guestbook if you have any feed back about this concept or the site itself.

"Enter action with boldness"
                       --Author unkown (to me)

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
                       --Serenity Prayer (I discovered it recently and I feel it is quite                                              inspirational, no matter one's religion.
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