Negotiations and Needs

Disclaimer: The characters of Xena and Gabrielle belong exclusively to MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No copyright infringement was intended through the writing of this piece. Don’t worry once I’ve finished playing I’ll give them back!

Subtext Alert: Subtext? think MAINTEXT people! This story is rated at a 18 or NC17 (for the American readers). Therefore if this kind of thing (that’s sex between two consenting women) is illegal where you live, or you simply don’t like it then run, runaway. Far, far away in fact!

Authors notes: To Sarah, although you weren’t my inspiration (sorry babes, that honour goes to another!) you gave me the courage to write this, and if it ever goes out, then just know it was all because of you.
This is for all those fans who wrote to me and asked for this ‘X-Rated’ section, although the beginning story is the same, the ending is very different.
Happy Reading


As they entered the negotiation hall, Xena sneaked a glance at her lover. The Amazons themselves had dressed Gabrielle, she looked stunning, ‘Very much the Princess’ Xena thought.
She was rid of her usual green top and skirt, in its place she wore a burnt orange, sarong style one piece tied around her neck. The silk like material ruffled at the swelled skin of her breasts; it swam over her taught abdomen and clung to her well-developed thighs. Her hair was taken back braided into two plaits, with delicate blue and yellow flowers nestling between each strawberry-blonde section. She was the image of perfection.

As they approached the main table the two men in front of her smiled and raised themselves out of their seats. Both Xena and Gabrielle paused and considered the awe of this situation.
They were guided around to other side of the table, and with their backs lent ever so slightly against the back wall of the room, they seated themselves.

The proceedings began without a hitch, both parties introducing themselves and setting down the main points to the negotiations. The Amazons had claimed the land many moons before and had no intention of giving up their land for the use of plundering.
Xena knew this kind of negotiation would take a while, the always did, neither side wanting to give up what they considered to be rightfully theirs.
She stole several glances at the expressions on Gabrielle’s face, she knew why the Amazon’s had picked her for this kind of negotiation. She had, herself witnessed her friends bargaining skills in numerous town markets that they had travelled through.
She always got that same determined look on her face. However she knew that look from somewhere else. When alone, she knew it from her lovers point of climax; that moment when she became totally engrossed in what was occurring, that moment when all of her senses became alive, that moment when she took in everything. ‘No wonder she likes this so much’.

Xena became bored. Quickly. It took every ounce of her strength to stay awake during these kind of wars, no bloodshed, no speed, just simple words and heated retorts. Yeah, she was incredibly bored.

To keep herself occupied, Xena imagined the kind of things she could do to Gabrielle, to prolong that look on her love’s face. Idea’s swam through her head disappearing as quickly as they appeared, until one thought came to her and stuck. When a smirk appeared on her face, she felt Gabrielle turn to her, even though she was mid-sentence.
‘I can’t’ Xena thought, ‘she’d kill me, no actually she would kill me! Hmmmm’ she pondered for a moment before gathering her courage, she found it funny that she could go against Kings, Army’s, Gods even, filled of confidence yet with Gabrielle she still had to gain courage.
“But as I said before….” Gabrielle continued, until she felt a small breathe in her ear, knowing that Xena was about to whisper she fell silent.
“Can I have possibly have a word with you outside, Princess?” She asked her voice deep and filled willed with seriousness yet affection, it sounded almost playful. Gabrielle looked confused, but knowing Xena, she complied thinking that meeting may have been a trap to capture her.
“Excuse me gentleman, I must speak with my… associate for a moment.” Gabrielle told the men sat in front of her. Both looked puzzled but stood to signal their exit from the table.
Xena slid quickly away from the table and practically ran to the door. Gabrielle padded along behind her, attempting to look regal and not at all bothered, although her face was saying different.
As soon as she heard the rather large and ornate doors slam behind them, she allowed her defence to drop.
“Xena, what’s wrong?” Gabrielle’s face was filled with concern, Xena couldn’t help to smirk.
“What, are they setting us up?” Gabrielle looked for some kind of response in Xena’s eyes “Xena?”
Xena never answered, she didn’t need to instead she gently pushed (which felt like being thrown to Gabrielle,) her up against the door in a passionate embrace forcing their lips together in an equally passionate embrace. She managed to force her hands onto Xena’s hips and force her away, however when she did she could see the passion in her lovers eyes, and knew this was going be hard to do, but it had to be done.
“Xena, you know how much I would love to do this, but we can’t, not now. I have to finish these talks.”
With that Gabrielle managed to turn her body away and open the doors the had been leaning on, walking once again with that regal and royal flair, she returned to the table. Looking somewhat harried she continued the talks whilst watching her friend return to the table.

Gabrielle knew that Xena wouldn’t give up that easily, but given the situation she knew there was no way she could force it. However, the look on Xena’s face worried her slightly, as she was expecting a look of annoyance or restraint however the look was one of knowing – more than likely something that she did but Gabrielle did not.
As Xena seated herself Gabrielle began to relax slightly, almost as if she had been expecting her chakram to go flying round the room in a fit of rage.
Gabrielle continued the talks, getting more and more anxious that they were not going how she had expected. The man in front of her wasn’t succumbing to her charms or authority the way she’d hoped and Xena could see the flushed colour in her cheeks begin to rise.
Xena seized her chance to continue what she had started. Noting the colour in Gabrielle’s cheeks begin to rise even quicker, she continued her attack on the small bard come Amazon Princess.
Gabrielle herself felt the colour of her cheeks rise, however they could not match the speed that Xena’s skilled hands were creeping up the inside of her inner thigh. She suddenly realised that was the look she had seen on Xena’s face.
Xena managed to suppress a giggle, as Gabrielle faltered in her speech on the warrior’s contact with those soft curls, she so often tickled lovingly. Xena had studied the table, it’s breadth and the distance between themselves and their hosts and knew that unless Gabrielle screamed or made it blatantly obvious, they were in no worries of getting caught.
She began to twiddle the beautifully soft curls between her fingers, before slowly she begun to massage the now very moist labia between her fingers. When she felt her hand ‘accidentally’ pass over her lover’s hard clitoris, Gabrielle’s colour drained. Once again she stopped mid sentence, as she raised to her very unsteady feet, her skirt fell back perfectly in place.
“If you’ll excuse me once again gentleman, I… erm, need to have a moment with Xena.” Xena knew that she had definitely had an affect on Gabrielle, as she would never normally have said her name to a stranger. However, her name seemed to take the men aback somewhat as they began to shift uncomfortably in their seats, as they both exited the room. This time it was Gabrielle who almost running.
As soon as Xena shut the door, she was slammed up against it, her lips being fiercely ambushed by her small companion.
“Don’t,” Gabrielle kissed her again “you,” another kiss, much harsher this time “dare,” this time the kiss was softer, deeper almost “start something,” this time passionate, “you can’t finish.” This time Xena kissed Gabrielle, and wrapped her strong arms around her. When she paused and pulled away, a small whispered moan escaped Gabrielle’s lips, however her eyes stayed shut, awaiting the return of her beloved’s lips on her own.
“Gabrielle, have I ever started something I couldn’t finish?” Gabrielle opened her eyes, to find herself being swung around by those embracing arms and smashing her against the door. Her lover’s kiss devouring her she began to regain her strength, her wandering hands finding themselves resting softly on Xena’s ample breasts. When Gabrielle pulled back, Xena let a small moan escape from her lips.
“No… Xena, wait a minute.” Once again she forced herself, grudgingly away from Xena’s grip. She turned and opened the door just a crack, before shouting to the end of the hall, in a very un-royal and regal manner:
“Erm, guy’s, hi!” Gabrielle waved pathetically “Could we carry these talks on tomorrow please, at Dawn, my head will be much clearer…” She tried to continue however, the younger of the two men came rushing up towards them. At his advance Xena pushed away slightly from Gabrielle.
“Your highness we would like to give the land to it’s rightful owners that is yourself and the amazon tribe if you would just like to sign the parchment then you can return and tell them of the news and you can continue to hint in whatever way you deem fit.”
The man seemed to get this all out in one breath in fact it was only at this point that he continued to breathe. Xena managed to repress a giggle from behind the door, when Gabrielle’s hand crept behind her and slapped her on her thigh silencing her.
Gabrielle, puffed up her chest and walked back towards the table, in a once again regal manner. Whilst there she signed the treaty and turned to walk away, thanking the gentleman for their time, and convenience in the matter. As she walked away, she turned to see the gentleman staring at Xena in the doorway, in absolute terror. As she turned to face the door again, it was the turn of Gabrielle to stifle a giggle.
‘So that’s what got them to change their minds, neat.’ She thought.
As Xena shut the heavy door behind her, Gabrielle whispered, “I may have to bring you to every meeting like that. You know, you have many skills!”
“Wait until we get back to he camp, I’ll show you skills.”

Back at the Amazon Village, the Amazon Queen: Antiope had thrown a banquet at the news of their victory over Thesues, the King of Thermodon. Antiope sat, as always at the head table, on a chair surrounded by the teeth of savage beasts, which had been captured and slaughtered as a sign of respect to the Amazon Queen. To her right hand side was the Amazon Princess Gabrielle, clad this time in blue and cream. To her side was Xena, clad unusually in a dress in the similar style to that of her partner, however hers was red and burnt orange. Xena had claimed that she wanted to “dress up” for the occasion.
Antiope began with a usual introduction to the ceremonies:
“With the help of the Princess Gabrielle, we have defeated those who wanted to argue against our traditions. I would like everyone here tonight to eat, drink and be very, very merry, because my fellow Amazons, we have earned it. We have, once again been victorious. Please, continue the festivities.”
As Antiope leant to one side to whisper to Gabrielle, she noticed that her predecessor ‘to be’ was not there. Neither was there a sign of Xena. Antiope smiled softly to herself, it had been a good day Gabrielle deserved a reward and so decided not to disturb the pair, wherever they had gone.

Back in Gabrielle’s hut…
“Xena, we shouldn’t have left like that, it was a little bit, well rude… even for you!” Xena finally put Gabrielle on the ground, only to see she had that cheeky grin on her face, which, however much she saw made her heart melt.
She really wished that she would get her hair cut off, as beautiful as it was, and as much as she loved to play with it, it made her look like a child. Still, back to the festivities at hand.

Xena turned back towards Gabrielle after making sure the door was securely locked, only to have Gabrielle in her arms again. This time, instead of being carried like a child she was having to hold her around her waist, her feet crossed at her back.
Gabrielle weight was very little though, despite how much she ate, and she was able to hold her without much real difficulty.
Gabrielle pushed he lips onto her lovers in a fiery embrace much stronger than that of their full bodies. It was almost like a possessing kiss. She could feel the heat of Gabrielle’s body on her mouth, that searing kiss almost burning it’s pattern into her own.
Xena could feel those soft and slender hands cupping her cheeks, attempting to bring her closer. Xena’s tongue shifted slightly allowing her to open her mouth and letting Gabrielle’s dancing tongue enter hers.
Xena began to shuffle towards the bed and on feeling the contact with her legs, began to lower Gabrielle to the bed, however never letting the kiss break. When she did, she allowed her lips to wander to her lover’s neck, breathing slowly on it and around her ears. Gabrielle moaned slightly, sending an amazing shooting of pleasure into her groin. She knew if she kept this for long, Gabrielle wouldn’t have to touch her, the affect she had on her was amazing, all Gabrielle needed do was speak in an hushed voice and it put the Warrior on a very pleasurable edge.

Breaking for just a second, Xena stepped back away from the bed and pulled the knot holding her dress up, releasing the slight hold it had on her body – which then continued to the floor. She could see the passion in her companion’s eyes as she too stood up and began to undress. It didn’t take long, as neither were wearing much to begin with. Xena stepped round Gabrielle and encompassed her waist with her strong arms, slowly kissing the back of her neck.
“Oh Xena…” she took a sharp intake of breathe at the feel of soft lips on bear skin “you know what that does to me. Mmm that feels so nice.” She was amazed that the words managed to get past her lips. She arched her back in reflex to the lips that were creating such a fire in her.
She turned around, although grudgingly, to capture the guilty with her own. Sweeping a tongue against the fires, Xena parted her lips ever so slightly, granting Gabrielle access.
They both began to move towards the bed again, almost unconsciously, the need driving them rather than any real thought.
Gabrielle back touched the bed first, and so she broke the kiss and shimmied her way up to the pillows at the top. Laying down, she watched as Xena placed both hands on the bed, never breaking her stare, she climbed up towards Gabrielle like a predator about to devour her pray.
Gabrielle put her head back and shut her eyes in anticipation, wetting her lips for the return of her lover.
“Ohhhhh… Xena.” She had never made it to her mouth. She was currently making small intricate patterns around Gabrielle’s navel. She managed to lift her head slightly to catch a glimpse of her lovers face, however when she felt that soft peach like touch slowly move down her stomach towards her incredibly sensitive centre, her head collapsed back into the pillows like a ten tonne weight. ‘How was it she is always able to make me feel so intense?’ Gabrielle thought, extremely briefly, because it was at that exact moment that she felt warm fires swept across her favourite button. She wanted to scream and cry all at once, however neither happened.
Xena knew the affect she was having on her beautiful companion. She loved to watch her intensive motions, whilst she was doing this. With one mighty great force she speared her lovers entrance with her tongue, then gently lapping at her, she knew that Gabrielle would make a small, but gentle squeaking noise
“Mnnnmm.” Was her reply, Xena almost giggled but was so intensely turned on by the small sound which had emanated from her lovers mouth that she could feel herself becoming very warm and knew it wouldn’t be too long before she herself came without a finger being placed on her.
Though breathing heavily, Gabrielle managed to utter a few words:
“Xena, come…” was all she managed to get out through several deep breathes, but Xena knew what she meant. So she began the descent back up to Gabrielle’s warm and generous lips. She began kissing, allowing Gabrielle to taste herself in her mouth.
A small guttural growl began in Xena’s throat as Gabrielle’s hand began sweeping over her abdomen, tickling as it was, it was so incredibly erotic she almost came were she was knelt. Xena knelt the soft curve of Gabrielle’s backside, the almost cream like quality had Xena burning on the inside.
She felt her lips being parted by Gabrielle’s very confident fingers, and so knowing how much more intense it was when they came together, followed suit, and began to kiss Gabrielle’s neck, as her fingers danced to the front of her body. Without considering how it would affect Gabrielle, she plunged two fingers straight into the velvety depths making Gabrielle scream loud enough that even Antiope was able to hear, over all the music.

Gabrielle overcome with feeling, somehow managed to position herself between Xena’s powerful thighs. Without thinking, almost, they began a rhythm. Gabrielle knew that her knee was well positioned over Xena’s sex because she could feel the warmth and wetness spreading against her own thigh.
Both lovers held their eyes to control their own emotions at this point, at the pinnacle of their climax.
Xena suddenly and without warning, seeing a small bead of sweat drip down Gabrielle’s forehead, forced yet another long and slender finger into her lover, holding her steady by gently placing a powerful hand on the small of her back.
In response, and this time managing to control her cream, she quickened the rhythm of her leg and the rocking motion.
Surprisingly to Xena, Gabrielle grabbed her face and held it close to her own as all the colours of the rainbow, and then some exploded in front of all eyes involved. Xena felt  Gabrielle’s muscles almost break her hand as the contracted and subsided so strongly, also she knew her own sex was pooling at this moment in time. Although thoughts were very brief and scattered, the intensity of the situation, however, was almost palpable.
The smell of sex and heat filled the air, as both parties fell onto the silk covered bed, and simply embraced until all the shudders subsided.
“I love you so much Xena.” Was all Gabrielle could say, the brunette however replied with a lilt in her voice,
“Yes and I'm sure that every member of this Amazon tribe knows that now, Gab!” Gabrielle’s colour was all that needed to be said. Giggles broke the atmosphere in the room, before giggles turned into moans and expressions of love which continued to echo through the night and through the years.


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