






"Where're we going, sister?"

Chances are, you've either reached this page through the webring or a link, in which case you already know what Vr5 is, or else you've come through a links from one of my other sites, in which case you're sitting at your computer screen going "What on earth . . ."

Vr5 was a little known show that starred Lori Singer as Sydney Bloom, a young woman with a troubled past who has a special talent - she can use her computer to access and affect the minds of others. As the show progresses, the lines between fiction and reality blur and suddenly Sydney is no longer sure of anything . . .

Being a creation of Fox however, Vr5 suffered the fate that other wondeful show, Brimstone, running for thirteen episodes before disappearing into the great hole of showbiz waste. The actors have now moved on to other things, Thania St. John is working on Roswell, and Vr5 is dead and buried - except for here, on the net, where anything is possible.


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