Angelic Prophecies on the Apocalypse


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I've been receiving a myriad of emails from people who want to know if the Attacks on America signal the beginning of the Apocalypse and the end of the world.� I have consulted with the planetary angels and God in an attempt to understand the recent events that have transpired in the United States. Following is a message that I relayed to an inquiring soul on their behalf:

The email I received:

I've started reading The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation and have many questions. As someone who is devoted to the light (and have walked through my own inner darkness countless times,) I must ask your interpretation of the attacks on America. Do you believe these represent part of the "fires of purification?"

Many are spreading the word (as has happened before) that this is truly the end of mankind - so much fear going around. It is indeed discomforting. There are interpretations of Revelation which compare America to the Harlot (Statue of Liberty with seven heads = seven points of her crown, etc.) I wonder what you would say to this?� These accounts represent America at the center of all evil on the earth.

There is also the "I AM" group who believes America was founded by Ascended Masters (St. Germain at the lead) who were freemasons at that time, and that the principles of the USA were originally for God. That people would have a new land, free of old world karma, where they would be free to explore their God Consciousness without opression. Have you heard of this?� They say America is the last stronghold and must be saved. Their prophesy saw America facing three big struggles, the current one being the third many believe. In the third, and final, struggle, huge armies from Africa, Asia and Europe come across the water and fight the people of America, burning towns and cities, almost overcoming the people. Then, at the final moment, divine intervention takes place, and the angels of light are sent down to stand by the side of those in this land to help overcome the dark, oppressive forces and send them away forever. Then, a Unity happens among humanity, where freedom to find God Consciousness reigns. It sounds wonderful.

Overall, the prophesies are similar - we are in a powerful conflict. I'm just concerned about how dark this might get before the light prevails. I am unified with my purpose; to keep my face to the light.

Thank you for your perceptions and your book.

Peaceful tidings of beauty and joy


My reply based on revelations I received from God and his angels:

Dear Karen:

I would like to ask your permission to post your email on my web site because you have asked several pertinent questions related to the attacks on America. I'm receiving a lot of queries regarding these attacks; your email covers several key points that people need to be aware of:

First of all I'd like to say that no country on this planet is entirely good or evil. All countries are an amalgamation of these forces at the present time. Although the United States is not a pure manifestation of the Harlot mentioned in The Book of Revelation many of America's principles at present are not in alignment with the Divine Spirit. Some countries are nearer to God's vision for the New Age such as Denmark. You will come to understand why as you read The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation.

The United States is a wonderful country and the spirit of the living God is alive and well in many of its people. The unity and love that is pouring forth from the people of America at their time of tribulation is a testimony to this fact. Having said that, however, the angels have told me that the root cause of the attack on America is karmic.

The first thing you need to understand is that the planet is a conscious entity with a spirit. If we don't look after Mother Earth we are in violation of a sacred commandment: Honour thy father, who is your God Self, and thy mother, the Spirit of the Earth of which your soul is an integral part. The earth is in fact the outer manifestation of the soul of humanity, a soul which at the present time is immersed in turmoil as it strives to become a being of light in alignment with the Will of the Divine, the Solar Christ.

The forces of destruction that are particularily rampant in the middle east and the eastern part of the world in general are in fact destroyer ray forces that will continue to be active on the planet until the earth is completely aligned with the forces of the Solar Christ.

To return to your question: The reasons that the world trade centers were targeted is because the United States economy is not aligned with the Holy Spirit who will govern prosperity in the New Age. Recently, President Bush announced to the world that the United States would not be supporting the Kyoto Agreement: an agreement that was designed to protect the earth from global warming due to greenhouse gas emissions. The reasons he gave for this decision was that the United States' economy was not in good shape and until it improved he was not willing to look at this agreement. He also felt that the Kyoto agreement needed work. Whereas I agree that the Kyoto Protocol is not the greatest pollution control document the point is that it was a worldwide attempt to control greenhouse gas emissions and the United States refused to support it. What President Bush doesn't understand is that his refusal to support environmental issues automatically created negative karma. The law as Christ so eloquently put it returns like energy to its creator "Do unto others as you would have them do onto you." Now the United States has two world trade towers that are completely in ruins, and has lost the lives of several of its citizens.

If you ever get a chance to look at a tarot deck take a look at card sixteen of the major arcana. It usually depicts a tower that is being hit by lightening with people falling to their doom. It is highly significant that the two highest towers that symbolize world economic domination by the United States now lay in ruins. I predict that if the United States doesn't start to work towards harmonizing its economy with the new spiritual influences that are working towards creating industry in harmony with Nature that it will lose its position of economic domination that it has enjoyed for so many years. The European market will then become the Master of many of the world trade markets. For many years Europe has been passing and enforcing environmental laws. Industry in many European countries is charged heavily for the creation of pollution. As a result, products are made to be recycleable, and industry is environmentally conscious.

With regards to your question about whether the fall of the two towers signals the end of mankind the answer is no. The Apocalypse however has begun. The fall of the two towers signals the end of the Antichrist's control of the economic base on the earth, and correlates with the beginning of the descent of the forces of the Solar Christ.

The United States and its people will be exposed to the powerful energies of the Solar Christ, as well as the energies of the destroyer ray, just like everyone else on the planet. If the people amend their ways and repent, and I hope they do, then a most noble country and its people will be saved. If they do not then they are going to experience great tribulation as the people, government structures, and economic systems come under the influence of the Destroyer Ray.

I highly recommend that you continue to stand in the light and work on aligning your soul with your Higher Self or Angel. As you evolve you will be able to help those people around you to understand their own purpose, and will be able to enlighten them to the fact that the Divine Spirit is waiting to enfold all souls who are ready to awaken to the light. Remember, this is not the end of the world, simply the end of a system that has served its purpose and is destined to be replaced with something much more divine and grand.

With regards to America being founded by the Ascended Masters, I am familiar with St. Germain and his followers, as well as with many of the I Am movements in the United States. Although I don't agree with all of their teachings many of these organizations, and the souls who work within them, are working towards their own ascension and have nothing but good intentions in their hearts.

As you proceed through the pages of The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation you will come to comprehend that there are angels that watch over all people and all nations. The higher principles that each country embodies represents the principles and life forces of the Spirits or Angels who govern the country. When a soul becomes unified with its angel it goes on to serve in the Planetary Hierarchy: Another words that soul becomes an Ascended Master, and usually goes on to serve the particular group of souls that it had incarnated with. St. Germain is in fact a member of the Planetary Hierarchy and watches over many of the ashrams in the United States who are involved with the I AM movement.

The angels of light are everywhere and are ready to stand with all souls who are ready to receive their gift of love and light now. The thing humanity needs to grasp is that these are Divine Beings. They resonate in harmony with God's Will and will not and cannot serve those souls who are in violation of God's laws. That is why all souls who wish to be saved must work at purification and why the fires of purification that I talk about throughtout The Mystical Keys to The Book of Revelation should be seen as a gift from God.

The souls such as yourself who are ready to be transformed will be touched by God's light. My hope, as it is God's, is that all souls will respond to the messages coming from the Ministering Angels and, as a result, will awaken into a richer, fuller life as the energies of the Solar Christ descend from the higher planes.

God Bless you and thank you for your letter.
Laura Lee Galan

P.S. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol for the Goddess of Liberty, the Holy Spirit of the Earth. May her energies fill you will joy and love as proceed on your way to the Father's house.

I will continue to post letters that embody questions that many souls are seeking the answers to. If you have a particular question regarding the Apocalypse that you would like answered feel free to write to me at [email protected].

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