Angelic Prophecies on the Apocalypse

Angelic Prophecies on the Apocalypse

Armageddon and the War on Iraq

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The War on Iraq really didn't start in 2002, but on August 2, 1990 when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. The United Nations condemned that act and, in a series of resolutions, imposed a complete blockade on Iraq and authorized member states to reverse the invasion by any means. A coalition composed of several NATO countries including Britain, France and Canada, as well as neighbouring Arab states prepared to go to war to remove the Iraqi people from Kuwait. Even former Warsaw Pact countries sent in units.

When the UN deadline for Iraq's withdrawal from Kuwait expired on January 15, 1991, the coalition launched a massive attack on Iraq. The American forces employed their most advanced Cold War technologies to destroy Iraq's air defence network.

Due to American military control of information, people outside Iraq saw only pinpoint surgical strikes from "smart" bombs and missles. However, the reality was quite different; the vast majority of air strikes were carried out using old-fashioned unguided bombs. In total, the equivalent of seven Hiroshima bombs hit Iraq, killing some 100,000 people, mostly members of the military. In addition, tens of thousands of deaths were attributed to less direct results of the bombing, including many from disease and malnutrition.

When the ground war began Iraqi forces crumpled in the face of American hammer-blows. By the time the fighting stopped on February 28, 1991 not only had Iraqi forces been thrown from Kuwait they had been nearly annihilated and Iraq itself was in ruins.

After the war UN weapons inspectors were dispatched to Iraq. Their mission was to locate all stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and the means of producing them. Iraq had spent years secretly trying to produce atomic, biological and chemical (ABC) weapons. Iraq had used chemical weapons, the cheapest of the three, in 1988 against a Kurdish uprising, but nuclear and biological weapons are much more expensive and difficult to develop, and were not yet complete. It was also discovered that Iraq had not worked on these weapons in a vacuum. Many Western companies had provided technology not only for these programs, but for ballistic missile development as well.

The extent of the weapons programs, and the secrecy surrounding them, left the inspectors with a difficult job. The inspections dragged on while desvastating political and economic sanctions continued. Trade with Iraq was forbidden until the country was certified as being free of ABC weapons.

The inspectors met resistance from Iraqi authorities. On the one hand, the inspection teams acted rather like spies, scouring the country and making surprise visits to factories, warehouses and laboratories. On the other hand, there seemed to be no end to the investigations, and, after a time, it began to appear as if it was an elaborate ruse, the real goal being to keep the sanctions in place. The sanctions left Iraq literally starving. Everything was in short supply, especially food and medicine. It has been estimated that more than a million people died as a result of the privations.

As the suffering became clear to the UN, the Security Council offered a special arrangement to Iraq, whereby it could sell its oil on the market and would receive, instead of money, food and medicine. Saddam Hussein, however, refused to accept the deal as the sanctions were a potent political weapon for him. Saddam bemoaned the suffering caused by the sanctions, while refusing the oil-for-food deal, and demanded an end to inspections while hindering their progress.

On June 27, 1993 when former American President George Bush was visiting Kuwait, there was an alleged attempt on his life. President Clinton retaliated with a cruise missile attack on Iraq. This was the first wave of what would become another cycle of tension between Iraq and the United States. In 1994, elite Iraqi Republican Guard units moved near the Kuwaiti border and U.S. troops were deployed by the Persion Gulf once again. When it became clear that the Americans meant business, Saddam backed down.

From then on the tension revolved solely around the UN weapons inspections. It became a dreary rhythm: Saddam blusters, the inspectors are hindered, the American military flexes its muscle and Saddam backs down. In early 1998, it happened once again, but a diplomatic mission by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan secured an agreement that was supposed to solve the problem once and for all.

By August 1998, the tension resurfaced. On November 14, U.S. planes were said to be on their way to bombard Iraq when Saddam sent a letter promising full access. The attack was halted but in December 1998, Britain and the U.S. launched Operation Dessert Fox and began a series of air strikes that continued throughout 1999

December 1999 brought good news to the Iraqi people when the UN Security Council voted to relieve sanctions against the country.

The new millennium began on a promising note for the country, which opened its international airport after a 10-year closure. After a decade of absence, Iraq was asked to attend the Arab League summit in 2000.

The following year Iraq was accused of being behind the anthrax deaths of five Americans, which prompted Bush to push for weapons inspections.

Late in 2002, Iraq, labelled by the Bush administration as part of the "axis of evil," submitted a 12,000-page declaration claiming it had no banned weapons and agreed to open the country to another round of weapons inspections under the direction of chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix. Blix concluded in January 2003 that "Iraq hasn't come to terms yet with the world's demand that it give up its weapons, and has yet to co-operate fully in the search for them." On February 14, 2003, Blix admitted that no weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq. Regardless, the U.S. continued to present its case to rid Iraq of Saddam and on March 17, 2003, Bush warned Saddam to leave or face the U.S. army. Saddam stayed in Iraq and on March 19, 2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom began to unfold, officially coming to an end on May 1, 2003, when Bush announced that the conflict was over.

It was interesting to watch the reaction of humanity to the threat of war. Outcries were heard from around the globe over the possibility of another war. Truly humanity is learning that war is a horrible thing. No one denies this. And of course there was the fact that many did not see the neccessity of going to war over a country that really didn't seem to pose that much of a threat to world peace. After all, no real weapons of mass destruction had been found.

What humanity does not realize is that all souls dictate the course of events by their silent prayers. During the time of Moses the Bible tells us that the Israelites were oppressed by the Egyptians. They prayed to the God of Abraham and asked God to remove them from their bondage to the Egyptians. God answered their prayers and sent them a "Deliverer" who would lead them out of captivity and would teach them to walk in the ways of the Spirit; at least that was the plan.

As one reflects back on the events that occurred in Iraq one has to come to the conclusion that the outcome, the removal of Saddam Hussein from power, was inevitable and certainly good for the Iraqi people. If Saddam had cared for his people at all he would have agreed to the trade of oil for food and medicine and would have left the country by March 17th as advised.

The Iraqi people were in bondage and controlled by a tyrant for many years. They, too, prayed to God for deliverance. And deliverance finally came at the hands of the United States and Great Britain. Although I do not necessarily agree with the flakey reasons that President Bush gave for going to war, I do agree that there was one powerful weapon of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein, that needed to be removed from power.

What the Iraqi people will do with their new found freedom remains to be seen. A new day has dawned for the Iraqi people. It is my hope, as it is God's, that they will arise to the occasion and walk in the light of the Spirit. If the majority of the people choose the path of light then peace will reign in Iraq and their country will be restored or resurrected. If the mass consciousness of the people does not choose the path of light then conflict will continue to plague the country and instead of building a brighter future for all they will continue to be plagued by economic problems.

One of the great lessons of the soul and spirit that humanity has yet to comprehend is that the souls who govern a country are a mirror image of the values that are reflected in the soul. If the soul is enslaved by the forces of darkness then a dark ruler such as a Rameses will be the taskmaster who will govern their lives on the physical plane. The only way to overcome a black taskmaster is by coming under the influence of the Divine Spirit. This, as Moses taught, is done by practising the virtues and paying attention to our conscience which is governed by the commandments of God. As we learn to walk in the light we will be freed from the forces of darkness that live within the soul of men before the soul has been resurrected by the light of the Christ Spirit."

The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation outlines what is going to take place on the earth and the karmic reasons for the events that will be unfolding as the planet is attuned to the Solar Christ. For those souls who have already put on their divine robes made of light and love the Destroyer Ray forces will not touch them; their liberation is at hand. The souls who are still struggling to find their way to the Father's house can still be saved, but they are going to have to consciously work at their salvation. The path of transfiguration has been carefully described within the pages of The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation. God and his angels are watching over the earth at this critical juncture and will help all sincere souls who seek the Holy Grail: the wedding garment of the Christ Spirit.

Now is the time for all souls to choose which path they wish to follow. For those who choose the path of light, God and his angels will guide you home.

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If you have a particular question regarding the Apocalypse that you would like answered feel free to write to me at [email protected].

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Laura L. Galan �2003

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