About CKI:
Circle K International is the world's largest collegiate coed service organization, yet it is more than just a volunteer service organization. CKI holds the promise of today's college student becoming tomorrow's leader, and exists to meet the personal growth needs of the individual collegian through the quality of leadership, the rewards of service, and a unique spirit of friendship.  Simply stated, the objective of its members is to provide altruistic service to the campus and community while having fun, building long-lasting friendships, and developing leadership skills.

Circle K's potential lies in its ability to positively influence those in our society who are meeting personal challenges and those who will one day create the vision of mankind for generations to come. Circle K members are the embodiment of those qualities necessary to shape the future.

CKI is truly an international orgaization with over 10,000 members from approximately 500 clubs in 12 countries. It is also a part of a much larger organization: Kiwanis International. KI is a worldwide service organization composed of civic leaders who have the desire to become personally involved in making their communities better places to live.  Kiwanis Clubs sponsor K-Kids in elementary schools, Builders Clubs in junior high schools, Key Clubs in high schools, and Circle K Clubs in colleges and universities.  Through the sponsored youth committee, these Kiwanis Clubs offer advice, manpower assistance, and finanical support to their younger counterparts.  Working together, Kiwanis, K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, and Circle K make up the Kiwanis Family.
Read our club's Constitution and Bylaws
LA Tech's Circle K lies within the LaMissTenn District. For more information visit the sites below.
Kiwanis International
Circle K International
LaMissTenn District
[email protected]
LA Tech Circle K | P.O. Box 3051 | Ruston, LA 71272
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