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• Poker is a minigame allowing you to win ash or runes.

• Type /po or click on the little card next to the Buy Items link to open the poker window.

• You play against other players and win each others ash, along with bonuses for having certain hands.

• By starting off with 2 cards that are the same color, and both Ace, King, Queen, or Jack you will sleeve a poker card that you can use for cheating or for dueling. The chance of sleeving a card is 1 in 332 games.

• There are more than 1 deck of cards, so another player can have the same card as you do.

• The option for changing your poker payout between ash and runes is found in the Options menu under the Actions menu.

• 10 ash = 1 rune

• It costs 100 million gold and 10 ash to start a game. You get 1 ash from folding no matter what, and if you play until the end you get 2 ash.

• A full game takes 100 seconds.

Hand Bonus Chance to get
Full House 100 ash 0.000154%
Four of a kind 500 ash 0.001390%
Straight Flush 1000 ash 0.024000%
Royal Flush 5000 ash 0.144000%
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