Chat Commands

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Chat commands are entered into the Chat message box. Most of them will carry over to the input button on the right. Most commands can also be shorted (such as simply typing /rep instead of /repair).

Automatically opens the help site.

Displays a list of topics you can get further info on.

Opens the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Quickness. This is command was phased out when /bb was added because it did basically the same thing but was only available for some of the first inquest winners.

Beast Bane. Using this command requires the Beast Bane item which is only available through purchase. It will teleport you within one kingdom of the last spawned beast.

Beast Noobane. Teleports even surface noobs to the last surface beast with a tiny delay.

Occasionally a beast will go dormant and remain in a kingdom but not be on the battle list. This command will find and revive any such beast but can only be used if there has not been any beast activity for an hour in that kingdom.

/pe 123,Sky,012
Public Embezzle. This is a complicated feature that requires you to be standing in a kingdom with full treasury and specify a kingdom owned by the same king (other than yourself) that has a public embezzle amount set (using /pea). This will automatically embezzle and send that specified amount of gold to the target kingdom's treasury. If this would cause the treasury to exceed 2 billion then 1 billion of the treasury is automatically used to purchase a rune. This method allows kings to have other players run through their plexes and easily embezzle a specified amount of gold from their kingdoms. Note that using this method there is never a need to use a well rounded number for collection, you can specify the exact amount of gold you would be able to make back in 24 or 48 hours making each point in kingmanship count.

This sets the Public Embezzle Amount for the kingdom you are standing in. You may set this value to 0 in order to disallow public embezzling to this kingdom. Note that this value is set to 0 whenever a kingdom changes hands. Only players with the Scepter of Delegation can modify this value.

/br 123,Sky,012
Buy runes in a distant kingdom. Using /br alone assumes current kingdom.

/sr 123,Sky,012
Single rune purchase in distant kingdom. Using /sr alone assumes current kingdom.

/p character
View that character's linked picture.

/s character
View that character's linked swimsuit picture.

View how many Sexy! votes you have received for your swimsuit picture.

Alchemize 1 rune into 1,000,000,000 gold, requires Scepter of Unending Repulsion.

Newbie version of Alchemize which converts 1 rune into 999,999,999 gold.

/da 123,Sky,012
Alchemize 2 runes into 2,000,000,000 gold, requires Harbinger's Scepter of Oppression. Using /da alone assumes current kingdom.

/sa 123,Sky,012
Alchemize 1 rune into 1 billion gold, requires Harbringer's Scepter of Oppression, DaD and DsD. Using /sa alone assumes current kingdom.

Adds 250 million to all fortifications at no cost, however, it requires you have a pure Free Fortify relic in your inventory which has a small and very random chance of breaking with every use.

Repairs damage to your fortifications as much as possible with your existing gold without any waste.

Repairs damage to your armies as much as possible with your existing gold without any waste.

Enrages your armies to do double damage. Costs 10 runes.

Adds 10 runes to whatever kingdom you are in with a 1 in 5 chance of burning an EEoT.

Buys as much food as possible with your existing gold without any waste.

Repairs and buys as much food as possible without any waste.

Returns the time in Race War Kingdom units.

Opens the announcements page automatically.

/ignore character
Adds character to your ignore list until you relog.

Outputs your inventory in chat so you can copy and paste it on webpages and the like.

Shows you all your skill proficiencies as affected by equipped relics.

Shows your raw skills without any bonuses due to items.

Shows you your stats modified only by relics.

Shows you your stats modified by all your relics, items, special abilities, and skills.

/trades or /crafts
Shows you your tradeskill proficiencies.

/add character
Add the character to your hotlist for trading purposes.

/m character: message
Sends a private message to another player.  This is much more easily accomplished by clicking on the players name.

/a message
This is merely a shortcut for making auctions.  All the same rules apply.

/e message
Rather than displaying a normal message, this will display your message as an emote and will appear in italics.

/z Race:Sex
Templars have a special ability allowing them to morph into another Race, keeping all the positive aspects of being a Templar such as double leveling speed, hidden location, and increased skill advancement, but acquiring the statistical and physical characteristics of their chosen race. YOU CAN ONLY DO THIS ONCE so don't mess with this feature until you are sure you have chosen the Race and Sex that you want to keep. You will not be able to change again unless you re-purchase the Templar upgrade. Misleading other players into wrongly using this feature will get you banned immediately. You have been warned! To view the stats of all the races type /help while in the game and click "Choosing a Race".

/ins character
For the cost of 1 million gold you can see 1 random item in another player's inventory granted you are in the same kingdom.

/shh character
Disables battle text to help from getting spammed while nuking or defending a plex.

/drive c
The optional command allows you to select a hard drive letter that you store your graphics on. For example it will automatically look for graphics in c:\rwk\ if you specify c. This is helpful for those who want to use skins or simply want faster gameplay. Simply type /drive without specifying a letter to undo the changes.

Displays an info page about girlfriends.

Displays your girlfriend photo album and current girlfriend points.

/gf character
Displays the character's girlfriend photo album and current girlfriend points.

/dump accountkey
Starts the girlfriend process over from scratch, removing all girlfriends and points. You must enter your account key to prove you're not only the owner of the account but that you seriously want to do such a crazy thing.

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