a novel by L.D.Wenzel

A new student at an evangelical college comes of age as he encounters his deepest aspirations.

Meet Morrie Schiller, an ordinary Christian who finds himself caught in the throes of his post-modern world. Try though he may, he seems not to fit in this Christian college scene. He laments when the girl he loves sees him only as a "brother", and he squirms as his best friend hounds him with politically right-wing religious views. Add to this, he is "plagued" by an unwanted feeling to convert to Catholicism.

Book Trailer for CAUGHT IN THE WINDS

Enter Jack Joplin, a campus stranger who would expose Morrie's inhibitions and help him transcend religious conventionality. The larger-than-life Jack teaches Morrie success with his own brand of philosophy-especially with the opposite sex! The results are surrealistic adventures going beyond his dreams.

Time was when Morrie only wanted to coast through life as a nice Christian guy, to meet a nice Christian girl, settle down and enjoy the accessories of evangelical living. However, no matter how hard he tries, confronting the Socratic dictum: Know Thyself seems to be his sacred calling.

 Read Chapter One

 a more detailed presentation here

Contact agent:
Mattie Tolley

Unfolding World Literary Agency

email: [email protected]

  About the author...
I am a writer with an Evangelical background who writes literary fiction about people in religious settings.My passions are philosophical, social commentary and to express my own religious experience through popular fiction. I believe I have written story that is dramatic, satirical, real and surreal and, hopefully challenging and insightful.

 Read more..


 A review by Arthur F. Holmes 
Professor (emeritus) of philosophy at Wheaton College
I have recently read Wenzel's novel. He seems to have a writing gift: his sentence structure, his way with adjectives and sense of timing hold the reader's interest. The characters come alive, and the overall plot hangs together and is neatly resolved.
He takes on engaging philosophical issues. The idea of friendship plays a large role in this novel about personal self discovery, and (antagonist) Jack Joplin's phenomenological method is utterly clever. The author's many allusions to Sartre, Gabriel Marcel
and Kierkegaard are all appropriate
. -Dec.6, 2005

 (read full review by Arthur Holmes)

Other fictional work
by L.D.Wenzel

  Evangelical - Catholic dialogue in
Caught in the Winds

Philosophical aspects of
Caught in the Winds

Religious political right and dominionism

in Caught in the Winds 

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