Rethinking Theology:
Introducing PanenDeism
Larry Copling
                                                                    �2004, Larry Copling
Click HERE for Part 1
Click HERE for Part 2
Click HERE for Part 3
Click HERE for Part 4
Click HERE for Part 5
Click HERE for Part 6
Continuing with Part 7...
Complete Freedom

What has not yet been mentioned in our discussion of the Process Evolution of reality is the correspondent feature of Divine Purpose- Complete Freedom.  Actually, Freedom can be thought of as one half of the duality of Freedom/Constraint.  Without having to go back and discuss each stage of Process Evolution, let us simply overlay the idea of Complete Freedom to each of the four proposed, "levels" of physical reality in PanenDeism. 

For those familiar with quantum physics, you are aware of the tremendous contribution that Heisenberg made to scientific understanding with his formulation of the �Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle�.  Heisenberg explained, and science has since confirmed, that at the sub-atomic level of reality (Level Two), the very act of observing a particle by an observer disturbs, affects or collapses the particle!  Our consciousness affects what we thought was �material reality�!  We can accurately pinpoint the velocity, or the location, of a particle, but NEVER BOTH.  Uncertainty is part of the fabric of space-time.  In PanenDeism, we would refer to that inherent uncertainty as Free Will, or Complete Freedom.

Freedom is present in reality in differing degrees.  At "Level One" of physical reality, Alpha is said to have �Three Degrees of Freedom� (and "0 Degrees of Constraint").  �Three� is used here because of the three dimensions in physical reality (length, width and height).  As we move �down� the levels, one degree of freedom is lost (one degree of Constraint is added) until we reach level four, where molecules have �Zero Degrees of Freedom" and "Three Degrees of Constraint".

Allow me to offer an analogy to help in explaining Constraint, and thereby, Freedom.  Let us imagine that we wish to ride the wild stallion that is roaming free on Grandpa�s property.  Now, excluding the fence around Grandpa�s property for purposes of illustration, the wild stallion is said to have full freedom of travel� "Zero Degrees of Constraint".  He can travel the length or the width of the field and he can jump up and down in the field.

Being a brave soul, my little brother goes out and ropes the horse; immediately staking the rope down to the ground.  The horse now has ONE degree of constraint (two degrees of freedom) - he can still travel the length and width of the field (to the limit of the rope), but he can no longer effectively jump up and down.

Next, as my cousin stands to the right of my brother, and the horse moves directly between them, he ropes the horse a second time, and then stakes that rope down.  Now the horse has TWO degrees of constraint (one degree of freedom) � he can go either direction between the two men (width), but cannot experience length or height.

Finally, when I have determined that the horse really is secure enough not to kill me, I rope him in the small area he has left to move in; which secures the horse in ONE POSITION, with "Three Degrees of Constraint" and "Zero Degrees of Freedom".  Of course, I talk my kid brother into trying to ride him.  I�m not completely stupid!

This is what I believe happens as we move �down� through the first four stages (and levels of reality) in evolution- we gain more and more �solidness� in the universe as particles, atoms and molecules lose �freedom� of movement.  On the right side of the above diagram, "Life" ("Consciousness") develops and achieves complete freedom, one degree at a time as we move back �up� through the higher levels of reality and the latter stages of evolution.

You may have noticed that on the right side of the illustration (the evolution of life and consciousness), each stage has all of the freedoms of the stage below it, plus more.  A plant has �life�, but it can�t move freely and does not experience freedom of thought.  An animal has life, and can move freely, but it can�t think rationally, etc.  Humanity enjoys the highest level of Complete Freedom on the planet, but who knows what comes next?  Perhaps humanity will develop the ability to consciously control our own evolution on the way to our Omega!
Continue to Conclusion...
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