
Larnelle Media
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Larnelle's Voice

When Larnelle sings, he calms the most tumultuous of storms brewing in the soul of man.

His voice is the epitome of God and His Son.

When he sings, it is as if God draws near and smiles, warming everyone and everything with His Spirit.

Larnelle's voice levitates me into the white, cotton-candy clouds suspended in the baby-blue airbrush. It brings me solace.

His voice is so beautiful that even songbirds stop to listen, for he is the Songbird.

His music touches the very essence of my soul. It is the music of the spheres--heavenly, celestial.

The variation of his voice from pianissimo to fortissimo is a rhythmic sequence of delightful tones.

A torrent of spiritual sensations move me when his tenor voice hits and sustains a high note, forcing tears from my dry, thirsty eyes.

His voice is like a violin being played by a virtuoso. His voice is arpeggio-smooth like a harp being played on a beautiful spring morning.

Whenever he sings, a choir of angels descend from the heavens to accompany him in song.

The magical timbre of his voice blends exquisitely with the music, generating a complete aural image of his soul.

He sings with perfection and with the passion of shepherds bringing home their flock of sheep.

His voice is soft like liquid velvet and flows through every vein.

When I am in despair, his voice gently rocks me until I am once again in harmony with the Word.

His vocal opulence mesmerizes everyone that hears him sing for his God-given voice speaks to the soul.

His vocals is powerfully authoritative for it summons the most untrained voice to sing along with him in unison.

His vocal performance is unparalleled. His pitch is unerring. Every note is intoxicating.

His phenomenal gift pierces the heart and ears with an enormous emotional impact. It transforms and binds our spirits.

So divine is his voice.

When Larnelle sings, all of heaven opens.•

- Anonymous (per request)


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