Care of Magical Creatures


Important Updates:

Extra Credit #4 is up.

Recent Lesson:

Lesson 10

Final Exam is due June 15th

Welcome to Care of Magical Creatures

So you've decided to take Care of Magical Creatures. A wise decision I believe. In this class you will learn about many different magical creatures. In our early lessons we'll be starting out with animals that are a little tamer, and gradually build to something a little fiercer. Remember that at any point during the term you may contact me with any questions, comments or concerns. Please be sure to carefully read over the course syllabus. Check here or the HOL forum for important updates.

Joining COMC

To take Care of Magical Creatures, you will need to sign up through your HOL-office when the class sign-ups are open and register for an account at AutoAssign. Please see the lesson on how to properly register for AutoAssign in the left hand tool bar. After you have signed up in both locations I will then accept you, and on Feb 6 you may complete lesson 6!

Contact Professor | ©2006 Professor Lara Pandette

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