

Architect, Journalist, Engineer.

Text, photography, video and architecture. For media and industrial clients.

Experienced since 1990.

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Something to unwind - Download for free - 1.4 MByte each:

Relax with music from Alan Silvestri to architecture from Harry Seidler -
There are no language problems in "Sie müssen einen Wolkenkratzer bauen."

Rather feel like enjoying a portrait of Sydneys Olympic Architecture? Go for "Olympic Visions"

What's it like in Japan? Get a portrait!

Want to see what Olympic action is like surrounded by such architecture? - Click yourself "Sydney - the beauty!"

... and don't miss that one:

 Once you come back from your trip around the world, tune in our radio-show!

- Visit our gallery of acrylic paintings. Address available on request -

"Dem Wahren, Guten, Schönen."

DOM - Deo Optimus Maximus.

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