
YAHOO has decided to CLOSE Geocities later this year. I have no idea yet where I'm going to move my webspace to, but I will let you know as soon as possible. !!!!!!!!

I was thirteen when I was diagnosed with Laneomania by my best friend.  However, contrary to my friend's opinion, I'm not alone with this condition.

Going through the things I accumulated in my basement, I came across a folder in which I had collected everything on Lane and Santa Barbara I could get my hands on over a period of several years. I've been working on scans and translations of all that material and am going to add more as soon as I find the time.

If you'd like to use material from this site, it's ok with me as long as your site is not a commercial or illegal one, but please link back to me so people know where the stuff came from.

Enjoy your visit to Laneomania.


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