
Current Projects

Langtechindustries-"Making life easier"

Advanced Household Appliance Technology(AHAT)

The latest in the field of connecting your home with your smartphone and computer. This system will allow full intergration with all systems and functions, for increased security and functionality.

Industrial cleaning bot model tx34 (TICK)

TICK is an advanced cleaning bot that has been throughly tested at our new distillery subsidairy. This little bot can clean in places a human just can't go, or want to go. With patented brush and cleaning solution TICK can save businesses and consumers hours of work.

HQ Recliner(Headquarters Recliner)

We have begun extensive testing to create the first piece of mobile furniture. That's right a hover recliner! Using our Hoverlight technology we have created a fully functioning recliner and are working on an outdoor prototype. Check back soon for further details.