Not That Sane. V Lakshman. Every Wednesday.

Cheers (Jan. 22, '97)

In Norman, the ten o'clock local news plays opposite Cheers reruns. There is absolutely no question whatsoever in my mind about where my viewing time goes. It is not that I like Ted Danson's hair or that I'm uninterested in what's going on in the world -- it is just that very little of what I'm interested in gets into the local news. And a lot of what I don't care a hoot about gets in.

Are you interested in the O.J. trial? Whether vengeful family members of victims of the Oklahoma City bombing should be allowed to watch the court proceedings in person? Whether the resident of 3211 Bummers Avenue really beats his wife every weeknight? Whether Bill Cosby is mourning his son in L.A. or in New York?

The local news panders to voyeurism and the basest instincts. At least on Cheers , you get to laugh at such concerns.

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