Not That Sane. V Lakshman. Every Wednesday.

What is: Not That Sane?

Not That Sane is a column I put out every Wednesday. It is an amalgamation of the type of columns I used to write for the Oklahoma Daily , a small college paper, and the rather regular emails I send to a small circle of friends.

After I finish telling any one of my stories, some one will almost inevitably chirp, "Now, if you were sane, you would have ...". Obviously, I'm Not That Sane . Visit the page every week! Happy reading.

Liked my columns? Want to find more such regular columns? Well, here is a hyperlink list of folks whose web-rantings I keep up with.

Thanks to a loyal reader for the stroking ... Seriously, it is good to feel read. Keep your comments/insults/raves coming. I read 'em all and respond to most.

Archive of previous columns
Non-technical writings
Lakshman (homepage) or email me at: [email protected] 1
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