The Shrieking Shack

Welcome to the Shrieking Shack. My name is Remus Lupin, I am "in charge" of this section of the Lair of the Werewolf (with help from Sarah). Here you will find information about werewolves, including copies of some "Official Ministry Documents" concerning Werewolves, that I found when going through my attic. You will also find some "Wanted" posters, and "Warning" posters that Sarah...ahem, "borrowed" from certain shop windows.
There is an area in this section, I've called it "Padfoot's Pad", that is dedicated to Sirius, you'll find a copy of his last will and testament, some odd bits related to him, newspaper clippings regarding him etc. In the true spirit of Sirius, I've decided to make you solve some puzzles to get to this section.
If you have any questions for me you can "e-mail" them to me via Sarah, and I'll answer them and post my answers here. If I don't answer your letter right away don't despair, it probably means that I'm busy with the Order, that it's near the full moon, or that I'm otherwise incapacitated. Don't worry, I will answer as soon as I can.
There are some jokes here, as well as games and a quiz.
If you can't find what you are looking for feel free to use the Marauder's Map, that will set you in the right direction.
Sarah and I often converse with each other on these pages, for ease of reference, all of my dialogue will be in black. All of Sarah's dialogue will be in Green.

The Shrieking Shack // Snape's Dungeon // The Gallery // The Library
The Library Annex // The Theatre // What's New
The Floo // The Kitchen // The Marauder's Map 1

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