How to Insult with Style

Often when we get upset at another person, we attempt to verbalize this anger in the form of an insult. On occasion, we blurt out the perfect words to make the person splutter and turn red in the face. Anyone who's done this knows the complete and utter satisfaction brought by leaving another person at a loss for reply. More often however, we use some dull, overused expression, to which the person can easily reply.
    A few common forms of insulting:
  • Shout out an oft-used expression
  • Blurt out the first thing that comes to mind
  • Laugh at the person as if they have done something ridiculous and then ignore them
  • Insult the person's profession, race, gender or some other broad general category
  • React sarcastically to every single thing the person says
  • Begin to act completely annoying
  • Use such an off-the-wall expression that the person doesn't know what to think or how to react
  • Employ uncommon words so that the other party is left pondering the meaning for days
  • Attack something the person is very insecure about (this is tasteless)
  • Use profanity or vulgarity (tasteless as well)
When insulting someone, remember to use taste and judgment. While it may be hard to think clearly when all you can see is red, try to behave appropriately in public. You do not want others to get a bad impression of you, you want to give them a bad impression of the person you're insulting. Of course, if you're in private... However, it is just plain cruel to attack something a person is already sensitive or embarrassed about, no matter where you are.
All this in mind, let us focus in on some creative ways to hurl insults. While words such as twit, snert, idiot and jerk get your point across, they are used by people everyday. Everyone can develop their own unique style when it comes to badmouthing. My personal favorites are the "wits" (halfwit, thinwit, lackwit, hardwit, madwit, shortwit, hookwit, etc.). If you happen to over hear someone using a great insult, commit it to memory and use it later, though not towards that person.
Use the things around you to gather ideas for things to say. Look at the person, their clothing, mannerisms, hairstyle, eye color. Have fun with your insults. Don't be afraid to sound silly, that's the whole fun of it. If someone tells you you're foolish for calling them a rockfoot, call them something just as ridiculous again. Of course, the person will likely not appreciate any insult you can come up with, but you can amuse yourself and others around you.
Some insults and to whom they apply:
Turkey cock, coxcomb, fop, singer
A person who is conceited, arrogant or haughty
Thumbscrew, canker, plague, harridan, bedwart
Someone that is annoying to the point of torture
Younker, carpet knight, wee bit, tissy, knave
A young lordling; a childish man, one undeserving of their titles
Whipworm, banewort, fungus, aedes, lifesucker, sycophant
A person who lives off others; a leech
Snipe, gossy, blatherskite, tabby, fatjaw, jowler, loosetongue
One who gossips constantly; one who spreads rumors to further themselves
Coquette, strumpet, trollop, trull, jade, shade, tart, hussy, hillic, whisser
A flirt; person of loose morals

Try Lady Titaniia's Insult Generator for more exciting insults.

Also, another good insult generator can be found here.


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