The Arts of H'daina and Touh Daosh

~ H'daina ~

H'daina is a method of communication, usually used in the high courts between nobles. It is very discreet, and often takes place between a man and a woman. H'daina is the art of communicating without words or even gestures. Eye contact and stance are usually actions used to employ this art. In times long past, it was perfected by long-married couples needing a way to communicate over vast halls so that no one but the other could understand. Every two people have their own patterns of H'daina, so examples cannot be written. It is said that the more one practices, the more easily they can be understood by the person they are performing for, and the less easily anyone else can interpret them. H'daina is widely used for courtship, affairs, and other personal matters, but is also used between close friends and political allies.
This art has been compared to 'reading minds', and is how some people can be thought to be 'psychic'. They are not necessarily in possession of mystical powers (though of course they might be), but they are especially good at reading the eyes and body language of all those around them. This is much like the way old friends and lovers know what the other is thinking before they even say a word. H'daina is employed by not only giving off subtle physical signs, but emotional ones too. Empathetic people are especially good at reading H'daina, while those who are clumsy and unsure of themselves are not very good at being discreet. Some people can be read like an open book, while others by only one person. Perception and observance are also important traits for those wishing to take up the art to possess.

~ Touh Daosh ~

Touh Daosh is another method of communication, also used in the noble courts as well as by merchants and others who understand it. It utilizes the entire body, unlike H'daina which uses just the eyes and very subtle movements, to communicate with others. Also, it can be used by an entire group of people at a time, unlike H'daina which is used only by two usually. Many universal symbols and signals exists, as well as personalized ones known only to those who use them. It is often employed in political dealings with foreigners and during the negotiations of marriages. Touh Daosh is sometimes truncated to Tu'D'osh or other shorter variations.
Below I have illustrated some examples, followed by their meaning. The meanings are rough translations, and those that are unclear are followed by a simpler meaning.

Viria touches her pinky to her chest, then sweeps it outwards in a large circle. - That is the way the rain falls. (That's life.)

Viria presses the palm of her hand against Lonraen's shoulder. - Walk on the water. (You can do it.)

Viria touches her lips lightly before sweeping her hand outward gracefully. - I will wait for you.

Viria draws her thumb from her bottom lip to her chin. - That person is detestable.

Viria runs her finger gently down her ear. - Watch carefully.

Viria rests her hands on her hips and turns her head to the side. - Fools speak a fool's tongue. (They don't know what they're talking about.)

Viria touches her elbow lightly and then brings her hand upwards in a sweeping motion. - Your cares are stones at the center of the mountain. (Don't worry.)

Viria moves her leg out in an small arc. - It is time to go.

Touh Daosh is considered a very beautiful when performed by masters, almost a dance, and can be very helpful in many situations. In some places, Touh Daosh actually has developed into a performance art, and is used at a variety of celebrations. The dance often utilizes only a small number of performers, and their movements act out a story or some sort of important message. This is also the way in which young children are taught the art, through actions which develop into fanciful myths.


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