Never to Go Again

A/N: The challenge was to write a drabble involving a superstition.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, and all their associates are characters belonging to J.K. Rowling. I claim no rights to them, their surroundings, or their situations. Much to my sorrow.

Never to Go Again


When Minerva finally rose from her vigil, she could barely see the clock through her unshed tears. But she didn't need to. She could hear it ticking, and she'd walked the short distance enough times now that she could have found it in any case.

Fumbling with the glass door, she reached inside to stop the pendulum swinging. Always stop the clock in a room where someone has died, her mother had taught her, or it will be bad luck for you.

Well, she'd stopped it every time. And still they died.

She pitched the clock out the window.


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