Jo's LiveJournal Icons II
Icons I

These are icons I've made for my LJ, both Harry Potter-related and otherwise. They are free for use and redistribution. If you use one, I'd be very grateful if you'd let me know. If asked, or if you pass them along, please give credit to LJ user amberdiceless or Jo Ann Spencer.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all these other people (and things) are characters belonging to J.K. Rowling or whoever holds their copyrights. I claim no rights to them, their images, their surroundings, or their situations. Much to my sorrow.


Hagrid I

Hagrid II

Filch's To-Do List

Don't Follow Me...

By Dobby


This Sucks
Troll Bogeys

You Go First


You're sure...?

Eat At Joe's

Bat Signal


My Fandom
Can Fly I

My Fandom
Can Fly II

My Fandom
Can Fly III

My Fandom
Can Fly IV

My Fandom
Can Fly V

Do Not Trifle


Broom Envy



Death eyes
the Morsmordre

John Constantine, DADA Instructor
(tip of the hat to Camwyn's
Hellblazer Hogwarts
for the idea)

Spork My Eyes!

Ed, Edd,

She'll Be
Seeing You

Jamie Fraser


"I Am Ready"

Jamie II

Image credits: Most of the Prisoner of Azkaban images are derived from screencaps graciously provided by casira. MAD magazine images from scans by scarah2. Jamie & Claire Fraser images from the Dell paperback editions of Outlander and Dragonfly in Amber, 1992 & 1993.

Quotations: "Slip the surly bonds of earth" paraphrases the poem High Flight, by Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee, Jr.


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