Colleagues I

A/N: The challenge was to write a drabble for snape100 based on specific scenes from the books, and a companion piece for lupin100 (Colleagues II).

Disclaimer: Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, and all their associates are characters belonging to J.K. Rowling. I claim no rights to them, their surroundings, or their situations. Much to my sorrow.

Colleagues I


Lupin. Albus had hired Remus Lupin.

The old man has finally gone cracked, Severus thought.

As though his lycanthropy weren't enough, Lupin had proven himself unfit to hold a position of authority. An utter failure as a Prefect, he had ignored his friends' abuses--not only of Severus, but occasionally of other students. What kind of Gryffindor kept silent from fear, as others were wrongfully persecuted?

Worse still, following the Prank, Lupin--a fellow victim--had forgiven Black, leaving Snape to carry the grudge for them both.

And now he would teach DADA. And all Severus could do was glare.


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