La Casa del Hada


Freda Mosquera

Amalia despert� con el cuerpo cansado por la �ltima jornada de amor. A su lado Asdr�bal permaneci� impasible, sumergido en un sue�o absoluto.�
Amalia lo contempl� con los ojos semicerrados, se levant� con lentitud y sali� de la habitaci�n. Abri� las ventanas del corredor y se qued� mirando las nubes de un blanco impecable, despu�s entr� en el ba�o, orin� despacio con los ojos fijos en las baldosas rosadas del piso, levant� la cabeza y encontr� el rostro de Asdr�bal, su sonrisa imperturbable. Amalia lo dej� ba�arse, lo esper� en el comedor de la casa con una taza de caf� caliente y luego lo acompa�� hasta la puerta.�
Sinti� en los labios el beso apresurado de Asdr�bal y se qued� sola, separada del mundo, con su peque�a angustia. Volvi� a la cama, a las s�banas en desorden, al olor de Asdr�bal, a su propio olor de amante solitaria.
Las ocho largas horas que la separaban del retorno de Asdr�bal pasaron lentas y a las seis de la tarde escuch� sus pasos, el rumor de su cuerpo atravesando la sala. Lo sinti� entrar en la habitaci�n y la envolvi� el cansancio de Asdr�bal, la pesadez de su cuerpo. Lo ayud� a quitarse la ropa, trajo la comida que hab�a preparado para �l y terminada la cena le habl� mientras �l entraba en el sue�o, el lento sue�o que cada noche lo atrapaba despu�s de la jornada de trabajo. Entonces Amalia se desvisti� y busc� en sus gavetas una pijama roja de sat�n, sus medias trasparentes, se maquill� los ojos y perfum� su cuerpo con un almizcle de esencias orientales, encendi� la radio y una m�sica lenta inund� la silenciosa atm�sfera del cuarto.
Amalia sonri� por primera vez en el d�a, se tendi� junto al cuerpo dormido de Asdr�bal, le bes� los muslos, le mordi� suavemente las rodillas y di� inicio a la ceremonia nocturna que la manten�a viva cada d�a. Se fue desnudando, abrazada a Asdr�bal, enred�ndose en el cuerpo del hombre mientras el suspiraba y se aferraba al sue�o. A veces, en medio del abrazo, Amalia sent�a una mano de Asdr�bal que desde el inconsciente levantaba sus dedos para acariciarle una cadera, para apretarle un seno, pero volv�a a caer pesada y esquiva en la profundidad del sue�o. Amalia danzaba sobre el cuerpo de Asdr�bal apenas roz�ndolo para no despertarlo, hasta quedar desnuda y entonces el cuerpo de Asdr�bal r�gido y ausente era su falo gigantesco al que se adher�a con todos los pliegues de su cuerpo. Las piernas de Asdr�bal eran sexos sobre los que se posaba su cuerpo abierto y h�medo. Y cuando el placer era mas poderoso que su soledad, los orgasmos aparec�an lentos y m�gicos y Amalia ca�a extenuada sobre el cuerpo del hombre, gimiendo hasta el amanecer. Pero esa noche Amalia repiti� la ceremonia muchas veces hasta que sinti� que el cuerpo de Asdr�bal sal�a del sue�o y bajo el tenue resplandor de la l�mpara encendida, vi� sus ojos abiertos, su mirada turbia y alelada, y de repente sinti� que las manos de Asdr�bal la apretaban con fuerza y la levantaban para luego dejarla caer de espaldas sobre el lecho. Se qued� quieta, deslumbrada cuando Asdr�bal vino sobre ella, con el sexo erecto apunt�ndola, clav�ndosele en la piel, abri�ndose paso entre sus piernas hasta penetrarla sin piedad. Se sinti� desmadejada y perdida bajo el cuerpo de Asdr�bal, bajo sus besos mojados y su vientre conoci� el espesor de Asdrubal. Intent� desprenderlo de su piel, pero el hombre sigui� acos�ndola, sin descanso, hasta el amanecer.
Amalia no supo en que instante cay� dormida, pero cuando despert� era mediod�a y Asdr�bal se hab�a marchado. Pens� en el retorno del hombre esa noche y la sobrecogi� un sentimiento de desamparo, el vientre le doli� como si estuviera herida de muerte, entonces con la resoluci�n de una condenada que huye de su victimario, se visti� de prisa, recogi� sus cosas y se march� para siempre.�

*Finalista Concurso Nacional de Cuento Er�tico, Prensa Nueva, Colombia.


Freda Mosquera

Amalia awoke, her body tired from the latest day of lovemaking.
Beside her, Asdr�bal impassive and submerged in a deep sleep. Amalia watched him with semi-closed eyes, arose sluggishly, and left the bedroom. She opened the windows of the hallway and stood watching the impeccably white clouds. She then went into the bathroom, urinated slowly, her eyes fixed upon the pink floor tiles.
Raising her head, she encountered the imperturbable smile on Asdr�bal�s face. Amalia left him so he could bathe, waited for him in the dinning room with his cup of hot coffee, then accompanied him to the door. She felt on her lips his hurried kiss, then stood alone ,separated from the world, in her own small anguish. She returned to the bed, to the disordered sheets, to Asdr�bal�s odor, to her own odor, the odor of a solitary lover.�

The long eight hours that separated her from Asdrubal�s return
passed slowly, and at eight o�clock in the evening she heard his footsteps, the murmuring of his body crossing the room. She sensed him entering the bedroom, and his fatigue and bodily heaviness enveloped her. She helped him undress, brought him the meal she had prepared, and after dinner, talked to him as he drifted off to sleep, the slow sleep that ensnared him each night after a day�s work. Amalia then undressed, searched her drawers for her red satin pijamas and transparent socks, touched up her eyes, and perfumed her body with oriental musk. She turned on the radio, and a slow music invaded the silent atmosphere of the room.

For the first time that day, Amalia smiled. She stretched herself
out next to Asdrubal�s body, kissed his muscles, softly bit his knees, and initiated the nocturnal ceremony that kept her alive day by day. Embracing Asdrubal, she continued undressing, entangling her body with his, while he clung to his sleep.
Sometimes, while embracing him, Amalia felt Asdrubal�s hand and fingers arising unconsciously to caress her hip, to press one of her breasts, only to fall back wearily and elusively into the oblivion of sleep. Amalia danced over his body, barely touching him so as not to awaken him, even while completely nude. Asdrubal�s rigid and absent body thus became her gigantic phallus, around which she wrapped the folds of her body.
His legs were penises upon which she placed her moist and pliant skin. And when desire overpowered solitude, the orgasms appeared, slowly and magically, leaving her collapsed over his body, exhausted, and moaning till dawn. But this night
Amalia repeated the ceremony many times until she felt Asdrubal�s body awaken from sleep. Under the subdued glow of the burning lamp, she saw his opened eyes, his bewildered and turbulent gaze, and suddenly felt his hands push her with force upwards, where she then fell backwards onto the bed.

She remained quiet, then amazed, when Asdrubal came on top of her, thrusting into her flesh, forcing a way through her legs until he mercilessly penetrated her. She felt exhausted and lost under Asdrubal�s body, under his moist kisses, her belly feeling his dense flesh. She tried to free herself from his skin, but he kept on, relentlessly pursuing her, until dawn.�

Amalia did not know when she fell asleep, but it was noon when she awoke, and Asdrubal had already left. She thought about the return of the man that night, and was seized with a sense of helplessness, her abdomen hurting her as if mortally wounded. Then, with the resolution of a condemned person fleeing from her attacker, she quickly dressed, gathered her things, and departed for ever.
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