U.R.O.T.W Geocities Aka Ash-chan's Sister Site
"The First And The Best Forever!"
Operative Profiles
Com Hub
Webmasters' Page
Finally I got off my lazy butt in lew of Ash-chan's abcense from the revolution due to personal , professional , technical and financial reasons to write up this little section . If those out there are thinking this will be a mere duplicate of the Homestead site section of the same name , well ...they're half wrong lol . Really this page will be devoted to not only delivering what the Homestead com hub does in terms of info and materials for member and casual visitor alike , but also providing new content like news articles on the latest on the industry and such .
So what is this site all about ? A Brief Overview and The First Com Hub Article

   I know Geocities won't allow us that much space to work our editorial magic , but basically Ash-chan's sister site delivers a unique and innovative expierence that's different from your run of the mill webpage . For one the appearence itself is slick and easy to understand and follow , the colors and fonts aren't all that fancy but also aren't plain or professionally drab . It offers information and communication for revolutionary and casual visitor alike . Keep on visiting and making these hit counters climb faster then a Hooters telethon for Bill Clinton's achy cloggity clogged hikari .
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws