Aftercare Instructions

Important Tips Before Getting a Tattoo 

  • -Sleep well.
  • -No alcohol/drugs before or - especially - during the session.
  • -Eat well.  
  • -Bring food if it's going to be a long session.
  • -Stay hydrated.

After Your Tattoo

It is essential your new tattoo is kept clean, allowed to breathe, and the skin kept slightly moist during the healing process. We have outlined the general instructions on caring for your tattoo. Your artist may ave reccomended specific instructions for the size of your tattoo, make aure you follow those, and also take into consideration the type of lotion or ointment you were instructed to use.

  • Wash the tattooed area, 2-3 times a day, using a fragrance-free antibacterial soap with cold to lukewarm water. Gently pat the skin dry with a clean towel. Then, allow for the tattoo to air dry for 15-30 minutes before applying lotion.
  • With clean hands, apply a small amount, creating a thin layer, of lotion or ointment on clean skin 2-3 times a day for 3 to 4 weeks. Any of the following will work: Vitalitree, A&D, or Aquaphor. An ointment like Aquaphor can be a good choice for the first 2 days after you getting your tattoo, but after that switching to an unscented lotion is a good choice to allow for your tattoo to breathe properly.
  • Do not swim, soak in a hot tub, take a bath or long hot showers for two weeks after getting your tattoo.Also, avoid tanning.
  • Do not scratch your tattoo; It will itch during the healing process. This process can last up to two weeks. If the itching becomes unbearable you can gently pat the itchy area with a clean hand.
  • Make sure to protect your tattoo from the sun, especially while it is healing. However, avoid covering your tattoo with sunscreen until it is fully healed. Also, avoid covering the tattoo with tight clothing while it is healing.
  • sleep on clean bed sheets, preferably old ones you don't care about since your tattoo may leak plasma or ink onto the sheets the first 2-3 days.