"I can not believe he dumped his client off on me! Who the hell does he think he is? What do I look like, a stinking baby sitter. Lazy piece of sh..."

"Mac? Are you almost finished in there? I’m starving," Chloe’s shrill voice pierced the air.

Sighing to herself in resignation, Mac answered. "Yeah, sweety. I’ll be in there in a minute." Picking up the plate of ham, and a bowl of mashed potatoes, Mac made her way back into the dinning room, fake smile in place.

"Hope you like ham, Petty Officer."

"Yes, Ma’am. Thank you and please, could you call me Jennifer?"

Sitting the bowl of potatoes down in front of the young woman, Mac was stunned by the next words out of Cotes’s mouth. "You know, you two are so perfect for each other?"

"Excuse me?"

"You and the Commander, Ma’am. I could only dream of finding someone that loves me as much as he loves you."

"I’m sorry, Petty Officer Coats, but you seem to be a little confused. The Commander and I are friends, best friends, but just friends none the less."

Coats glanced nervously at the little girl sitting next to her. Chloe gave the young woman a brief nod, trying to convey her best ‘yeah, right’ look. Looking back at Mac, Coats launched into a hasty apology. "So sorry, Ma’am. I just assumed...well with the way he was talking about you, and then when we got here and you...well you just looked like more than that, Ma’am. I mean watching you two together..."

"He was talking about me? How?"

"Well, you know how it is when men are in love and take on that dreamy tone of voice where they can’t seem to help it , it just comes out that way and then when we got here and he looked at you soooo longingly and well..."

"Okay, okay. I get it. Take a breath, Coats, before you pass out on me." Mac was trying to sound flippant, but her heart was racing wildly at the news that Harm had seemed to take on the persona of a man in love while talking about her. "You really got all of that out of just him talking about me?" Mac asked quietly.

"Yes, Ma’am."

With a silent nod of her head, Mac, Chloe and Coats started in on their meal. Each thinking different thoughts about their current station in life.


Harm sat in his car, trying to decide what to do next. After taking Coats to Mac, he had drove to his apartment to change clothes and mess around on the vette with Sturgis. He hadn’t meant to dump Coats off on her...well, actually that’s exactly what he had meant to do. What he hadn’t been prepared for was the sad and ultimately defeated look in her eyes when she had realized he wasn’t there for her at all. That, and he hadn’t been prepared for the sight of her in her baby blue flannel pajamas. Dear God, how had she managed to make flannel cowboy pajamas sexy as hell?

Harm groaned out loud as images of Mac filled his mind. Images of her laying in the middle of his bed, in nothing but that pajama top and a pair of lacy blue panties. Images of what it would be like to work open the buttons of that top, exposing the dark, olive skin underneath. To be able to kiss and caress that same silky smooth skin, to watch with rapt wonder as her nipples beaded into taut peaks from the pleasure he was giving her. To see the desire flair in her eyes as he drew her lace panties down her legs, exposing all of her secrets to him, everything that she was, open for only him to see.

The incessant ringing of his cell phone snapped him out of his erotic thoughts. "Uh, yeah, Rabb," Harm managed to croak out.

"Harm, it’s Mac."

Trying to stifle another groan, Harm did his best to answer. "What did you need, Mac?"

Mac had heard his groan, and taking it as a groan of disgust for being bothered, Mac launched into her reason for calling. "Sorry to bother you," her tone dripping with sarcasm, "but you left your file on P.O. Coats. I just wanted to let you know in case you needed it. Sorry I bothered you." She was stammering and she knew it, but she was just so...

"You said that once already, and you weren’t bothering me, Mac. I was just on my way back over to your place."

"You were?" Mac spoke, surprised by his admission. "I guess you already figured out that you needed your folder, huh?"

"No, I was coming back because of Coats. I didn’t mean for to have to watch her alone. I just wanted to run home and change clothes, and I didn’t think it would be to appropriate for me to take the petty officer to my apartment alone." He was lying through his teeth, she didn’t need to know about Sturgis, but he didn’t want to hurt her any more than he already had. "So, is that alright, or did you want to watch her by yourself?"

", that’s fine. I just thought..."

"I wouldn’t have done that to you, Mac."

Harm heard Mac give a soft snort as if to say ‘yeah right’ to his last statement. "Whatever, Harm. We’ll be here."

"I’m on my way." Hanging up, Harm knew that he had to do a lot of making it up to her, he just wasn’t sure how. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Harm started the SUV and headed out in the direction of Georgetown.


Mac sat, distractedly fiddling with the ribbon on the brightly wrapped package. In front of her, the name tag was a constant reminder of who it was for. She was still unsure about whether or not to give it to him. Unable to figure out what else to get him, she had opted for special and personal. Things had been so impersonal between them the last two years, and Mac had wanted to show him how much she still cared, about how serious she was about getting their once close friendship back. She had searched for just the right gift and when she had seen the onyx, double picture frame she had known, instantly, that it was the perfect gift for Harm. After purchasing the frame, she had called Harm’s mother and asked for a copy of the photo of Harm and his father. She had told her exactly what she had in mind for the gift, and Trish had readily agreed, the picture arriving a few days later. Mac could still remember the whole conversation with Harm’s mother. It was the first time she had ever really talked to her, and even though she had been nervous, it had been a wonderful call ending with a promise to keep in touch.

Impulsively, Mac had made another copy of the photo, storing it away for herself. It made her feel that much closer to Harm and his dad. The other half of the frame held the picture of Harm, Sergei and Mac taken on their last trip to Russia. She knew that he had both photos already, but it was the frame itself that held the most meaning.

Closing her eyes, Mac imagined the gold wings mounted on the frame gleaming brightly, as she traced them lightly through the wrapping paper. But the most important thing were the words inscribed on it. They would tell him what she had never been able to say to him.

"Hey, Mac? You gonna get that?"

Chloe’s voice echoed through Mac’s mind, bringing her out of her stupor. Shaking off her previous thoughts, Mac gently placed the package back under the tree before standing up and heading toward the door. ‘Come on, Mac. It’s only Harm,’ Mac gave herself the silent pep talk. Mustering her courage, Mac grabbed for the knob.


Knocking on her door, Harm tried to compose himself as best he could, to steel himself against the sight of her in those pajamas. After having knocked for the fourth time, he was starting to get worried the she wasn’t going to let him in. Hearing Chloe’s voice, Harm stood, ready, hearing Mac softly padding toward the door.

Opening the door, Mac caught sight of Harm standing there with the strangest expression on his face.

‘Oh man...’ his own pep talk with himself hadn’t worked. She was still in those pajamas and they were still having the same effect, and he was still feeling the effect of those flannel blue pj’s in all of the wrong places.

"Harm? Are you okay," she asked, genuinely worried.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I asked if you were okay. You were just staring at me."

Harm colored slightly. "Um, I’m sorry, Mac. Just zoned out there for a minute. Can I come in?"

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, sure." Stepping aside to let him pass, Mac couldn’t help but smile to herself. She’d seen the look in his eyes a moment ago. He was definitely lost somewhere, and Mac could only hope that she had been in that ‘somewhere’ with him.

Harm was standing awkwardly in her living room, waiting for Mac to make the next move of the rest of the evening. He hadn’t thought past coming back over here, now he was unsure as to what to do.

Mac was having the same trouble. Of course this is what she had wanted, to have him back here, but now that he was, she was at a loss.

"So," Harm started.

"So," Mac finished.

Both laughed nervously at the absurdity of the situation.

"Gees, Mac, listen to us. We can’t even talk normal to each other. Remember when we used to be able to sit in the same room for hours talking or not saying anything and still be comfortable. Now, we can’t even seem to get past ‘hello’."

"I know, Harm. Things used to be more simple then," Mac replied sadly.

"Were they, Mac? Or were they just glossed over? Maybe all that time we were actually taking steps in the wrong direction."


When he didn’t answer, Mac started in. "Harm, we were close then. Things were great. Don’t you miss that? Don’t you want to start over? I know I want us to."

"Of course I do. I want that too, Mac. It’s just...there’s more to it than just that. I want more than what we used to have. I want..."

"Hey, Harm! You came back. Excellent!" Chloe greeted him with all the exuberance of a thirteen year old.

"Hey, Chloe. Yeah, I came back for a while. Thought maybe we could all just veg and watch some sappy holiday movie. What do you think?" Harm looked between Mac and Chloe, and then at Coats, who had just entered the room.

"Oh please could we, Mac? Please, please, pretty please."

"Chloe Madison, stop begging this instant." Mac was using her best Colonel’s voice.

Silently, Chloe’s bottom lip jutted out and quivered slightly.

"Don’t even give me that face young lady. It won’t work." Mac was trying to act stern, but the effect was ruined when a smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "Oh, all right," Mac finally relented.

Harm and Chloe high fived each other before breaking apart and heading in the direction of the video case.


01:43 EST

"God, I love that movie." Harm’s arm was draped loosely around Mac’s shoulders, and the small contact felt so wonderful. Tightening his arm slightly, Harm whispered in her ear. "Looks like the rest of the troop bailed on us, Marine."

Harm chuckled as they took in the sleeping bodies around them. Chloe and Coats were both lying in the middle of the floor in front of the television, sound asleep.

"Yeah, it looks like we’re on our own again, Harm."

"You okay with that, Mac?"

Knowing what he was really asking, she answered as honestly as she could. "I am now. A couple of months ago I wasn’t."

"I know. I’m sorry about all of that, Mac."

"All of what, Harm?"

"Everything. For ruining all of your plans. If it wasn’t for me you’d be happily married, on your way to everything you’ve ever wanted."

Shaking her head in resignation, Mac replied, "Harm, you have no idea what I really want."

Leaving him to ponder her last statement, Mac removed his arm, got up off of the couch and headed toward the kitchen.

‘What the hell is that supposed to mean? What else could she possibly want...’ Harm was totally confused. If Brumby wasn’t what she really wanted, then why had she fought so hard to hold on to him? ‘Unless, she’s ready to...’ Slight realization dawned, and Harm got up to follow her into the kitchen. When he entered, Mac had her back to him, staring at nothing in particular. Harm wasted no time in asking, "So, what do you want, Mac?"

Startled out of her thoughts by his presence behind her, Mac couldn’t seem to form an answer.

Again, Harm asked, taking a step closer to her. "What do you want, Mac?"

Mac stepped closer to him. "I want..."

A step closer. "Yes, Mac?"

Closer. "I..."


His lips were closing the distance between them and Mac was waiting...

"Hey, Mac?" Chloe’s voice broke through the palpable silence in the kitchen, effectively ending all further activity. Breaking apart guiltily, Mac called out. "Yeah, Chloe. We’re in the kitchen."

Chloe came shuffling into the kitchen. "Oh, you’re still here, Harm. Sorry, I just was wondering if I’m sleeping with you tonight, Mac, or if you want me to take the couch."

"Well, it’s up to you, sweety. I had planned on you sleeping with me but if you want the couch that’s fine."

"Oh, I think I’ll sleep with you, Mac."

‘Damn lucky kid,’ Harm couldn’t help thinking to himself.

Chloe looked at him and smiled knowingly, seeming to read his mind. Then, she raised her eyebrows at him in silent question.

Clearing his throat and looking away, Harm sputtered, "Well, I guess I had better be going."

"Okay, I’ll walk you out. Chloe, go on, I’ll be there in a minute."

"Alright, Mac. Night, Harm." Again she tossed him a look that said, ‘I know you’re wishing you’re me right now.’ Turning away from Mac, Harm called out, "Good night, Chloe," before sticking his tongue out at her, eliciting a giggle from the young girl.

Not catching the silent exchange, Mac was ready. "Come on, flyboy. Let’s get you on the road."

"What? Anxious to get rid of me, Marine?" Harm teased, while putting on his coat, Mac doing the same.

"Absolutely! I need to start my beauty sleep," Mac retorted, closing the door behind them. Stopping at the elevator, Harm turned toward her. "You’re already beautiful, Mac." The compliment was paid with so much feeling, and was so completely unexpected, that Mac was having a hard time just trying to breathe.

"Thank you."

"You’re welcome."

They rode the elevator down in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. When they arrived outside, Mac watched him unlock his SUV, before hesitating. Facing her once again, Harm opened his mouth, willing the words to come. When they didn’t, he settled for the familiar. "Thanks again for everything, Mac. Night."

"Night, Harm." Impulsively, Mac leaned in and pressed a brief kiss on his lips before turning and heading right back into the building.

Harm stood, momentarily stunned, before making his legs move around to the driver’s side. Looking up one last time, he saw her standing just inside the foyer door, waving at him. The light from the entryway illuminated her from behind, causing the soft glow to make her look surreal, almost angelic. She looked so beautiful and the sight almost took his breath away.

Pictures of the last five years of his life with this woman flashed before his eyes, the memories of times spent in laughter and some in pain. The last year and a half had been the hardest of their relationship, and still somehow they had survived. Things could only get better, because they couldn’t have gotten much worse. ‘Maybe this year will be different,’ he thought to himself.

Smiling his best smile, Harm waved back, before getting in the car and heading home.


00:35 EST

Somewhere in her sleep fogged mind, Mac heard the steady ringing. Slightly groggy, Mac fumbled for the receiver, almost dropping it in the dark.


"Mac, it’s me."


"Yeah, sorry. Did I wake you?"

"Well, the polite response would be ‘Oh, no. You didn’t wake me, Harm.’ My response is hell yes."

Harm’s smile could almost be heard through the phone. "Sorry again, Jarhead, but this couldn’t wait. I promise I’ll make it up to you sometime."

"Really? Now that promise definitely holds some major possibilities."

Harm held back a groan as the ‘list’ of possibilities rolled through his brain. He needed to change the subject, quick. "We’ll talk about all of those possibilities later, Marine. Right now I have someone I want you to talk to." There was a brief silence before the soft Russian voice came over the line. "Good Evening, Colonel Mackenzie."

Mac was rendered almost speechless. "Ser...Sergei? Is that really you?"

"Yes, Ma’am."

"Oh my God, Sergei, it’s really you. But how?"

"Mr. Webb he...he traded for me."

"Oh, I’m’s so good to hear your voice."

"Yours too, Colonel."

"Call me Mac. Please."

"Yes, Ma’am, I mean, Mac."

"That’s better."

"Well, I must go now. Good night, Mac."

"Good night, Sergei."

There was another pause before Harm came back on the line. "Can you believe it, Mac. I mean, he’s here. He’s really here." He just couldn’t keep the exuberance out of his voice.

Mac found it contagious. "It’s wonderful, Harm. I’m so happy for you, and your brother."

"Thanks, Mac." There was a brief moment of silence before Harm spoke again. "Mac, I was wondering. Would you want to...would you want to spend the day with me tomorrow?"

"I thought that’s what we were going to do, flyboy," Mac replied, somewhat confused.

"Well, we had said we’d see each other, but I want...I want to spend the WHOLE day with you, Mac."

Mac’s heart began to beat a little bit faster in her chest. "So, me and you and Sergei and Coats?"

"Yeah, for most of it but...then I thought we could have dinner with just the two of us." He sounded almost shy.

"Um, that would be great, Harm, but what about your brother and your prisoner?" She hated to bring up all of the reasons why they couldn’t, because she really wanted to have dinner with him; just the two of them.

"We’ll figure something out. And I was thinking that maybe we could open our presents together then."

The silence drew out, and Harm was beginning to think that maybe he’d pushed her too hard. He was about ready to take it all back when, finally, she answered. "I would love to spend the whole day with you."

Letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, Harm said his farewell. "I’ll see you tomorrow then, Mac. Night, Ninja Girl."

"Night, Sailor." Placing the receiver back in it’s cradle, Mac couldn’t help smiling before laying back against her pillows. Spending the whole day with Harm...sigh. Unconsciously, Mac touched her fingertips to her mouth, the memory of the kiss they had shared at Bud and Harriet’s still tingling on her lips.

Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough.


06:36 EST

"I’m coming, I’m coming. Good grief." Checking through the peep hole, Mac had to look twice to make sure she wasn’t seeing things. Throwing caution to the wind, Mac threw open the door and was enveloped by a very enthusiastic Navy Commander.

"Merry Christmas, Mac." He swept her into the apartment, twirling her around.

Winded by the onslaught, Mac did her best to reply. "Merry Christmas, Harm. Whoa, put me down."

Setting her unceremoniously on the floor, his arms still around her, Harm launched into a half hearted apology. "Sorry, Mac. Just can’t seem to help it."

Smiling at his boyish antics, Mac cut in. "It’s alright, Harm. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy."

"I don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy. Especially on Christmas."

"I’m glad. However, I have to ask. What the hell are you doing here at six o’clock in the morning? I didn’t know squids got up this early."

"Oh come on, Mac. It’s Christmas morning. Who needs to sleep? Besides, you said you’d spend the whole day with me," Harm stuck his bottom lip out, mimicking Chloe’s earlier display.

"Harm, stop pouting."

"Why? It worked for Chloe."

"Yeah well, that’s because Chloe is cute."

"I’m cute," proving it by smiling that flyboy smile at her.

"Whatever you say, Harm. But as I think I’ve mentioned before, I am immune to your charms." ‘Yeah, right. Let’s see if he buys that one.’

"Oh, that’s right. You’re the one that said my smile and my gold wings wouldn’t work on you."

"I think I also mentioned your dress whites in there somewhere," Mac replied, getting into the game.

"Highly overrated was the exact wording I believe."

"Well, maybe...maybe that statement wasn’t entirely true."

"Excuse me? Say again?"

"You heard me, Squid."

"Nope, don’t think I did."

"Well then, that’s too bad because I’m not repeating myself."

"Then maybe I’ll have to do something to persuade you." And before she could see it coming, Harm had claimed her lips in a sweet kiss. Startled, Mac broke away. "Wow. And no mistletoe this time."

"Who the hell needs mistletoe? So?"

"Well, you present quite a case, Counselor."

"It was okay, but I still haven’t presented all of the evidence yet." Again his lips descended on hers, and of their own violation her arms found their way around his neck. His tongue traced along the seam of her lips, asking for entrance, and Mac willingly complied.

They stood there, lost in each other, exploring all of the things that had previously seemed forbidden. Before it could get any further out of hand, Harm backed away. "So, your Honor, what’s the verdict?"

"Wow," was all she could manage.

Chuckling softly, Harm couldn’t help but tease. "I think you said that already."

"Did I?" At his slight nod, she continued. "Okay, how about this. I think you made the most of the facts presented, but the jury is still out. Ask me again later."

"That is no fair."

"Who said life was fair," she asked, smiling sweetly.

"You better watch it, Marine. I might have to use my powers of persuasion on you again."

"Yeah, you can try," she challenged, knowing that if he called her bluff, she’d be one big pile of goo in about thirty seconds.

"Oh, you are so in for it, Marine."

"Take your best shot, Navy."

He was just about to, when a slight cough was heard from the couch behind them. Jennifer Coats was sitting, watching the amusing exchange from her place on the sofa. ‘Just friends my ass,’ Coats mused to herself.

Mac tried to disengage herself from Harm, but he held on to her, his arm loosely draped around Mac’s waist. "Morning, Coats. You ready to get this show on the road?"

"Show, Sir?"

"It’s Christmas, Petty Officer. We have lots to do today. So, both of you ladies go get dressed. Oh, and pack an overnight bag. The weather report says we’re going to get hammered this afternoon. You might need to stay. Oh, and Mac?"

"Yeah, Harm?"

"Don’t forget to pack your flannel cowboy pajamas."

After looking at him like he had totally lost his mind, Mac nodded and sighed in resignation. "Come on, Jennifer. Let’s go."

Twenty minutes later, both women were dressed, packed and ready to go. Harm ushered them down to his SUV and made sure everyone was settled before taking off.

"Sorry I didn’t bring the vette. I know I promised but I knew we wouldn’t all fit."

"That’s alright. I’ll just add that to my list of things you owe me."

With a raised eyebrow Harm replied, "I look forward to paying up, Marine."

"Me too, Sailor. Me too."



Things were going along well. Everyone had gotten acquainted easily, and Harm seemed to be thoroughly enjoying his job as the gracious host. After getting to the apartment, Harm had excused himself to go make breakfast for everyone. Mac had joined him in the kitchen, and together had gone about getting food made for everyone.

The rest of the day went on much the same way. It was a day spent in laughter and fun, telling stories, listening to music, playing games. Around three o’clock Bud and Harriet called, wondering about Coats. As it turned out, Mikey had asked if Coats would want to spend Christmas day with him over at Bud’s house. Seems they had really hit it off but she hadn’t even bothered to ask, thinking that there was no way that Harm would agree to it. Scolding her for not at least asking, he made sure it was alright with Harriet before agreeing to her going. Bud would be by to pick her up in about forty-five minutes and she was invited to just spend the night over there.

"Oh, thank you, Sir. I promise, no funny stuff."

"I’m holding you to that, Coats."

"Yes, Sir."

After Jennifer left Harm, Mac and Sergei threw themselves into a spirited game of Monopoly. Harm was right on the verge of hanging Mac out to dry when there was a knock at the door. Wondering who in the world it could be, Harm made his way over to the door. Shock registered when he saw that Clayton Webb stood on the other side.

"Hey Webb, how’s it going?"

"Fine, Harm. Thanks. Listen, I know it’s Christmas Day, but I need to take Sergei with me. There are still some things that need to be settled and it could take a while, paper work and stuff. I’m sorry, Harm. Hope I’m not spoiling anything too important."

Looking a little disappointed, Harm did his best to put on a brave face. "Sure, that’s fine, Clay. That okay with you little brother?"

"It is no problem at all, Mr. Webb. Besides, I think these two had plans for later anyway."

Mac started to protest. "Sergei, it’s alright. We were just going to have dinner. You’re more than welcome..."

"Mac, I will be fine with Mr. Webb. Besides, you two need some time alone I think." His last comment earned him a blush from Mac, rolled eyes from Webb, and a warning glare from his brother. Smiling, Sergei turned to Clay. "I am ready. Good evening, brother, Mac." With one final wave he was out the door, Webb following behind. "I’ll be in touch, Harm. If it’s too late, well take care of his sleeping arrangements."

"Alright. And Clay?" Waiting until he turned, Harm finished, "Thanks, for everything."

"You’re welcome." Clayton Webb replied, before heading out the door.

"Well I guess it’s just us, again."

"Yeah, I guess it is. So, what are we going to do now?"

"Well, how about I start dinner and then we can watch a movie while the turkey breast is in the oven."

"Sounds like a plan. Lead the way."

With the turkey in the oven and the movie ready to start, Harm settled down next to Mac on the couch. "Which movie did you pick, Jarhead?"

"White Christmas. I love that movie."

"Me too. Great song. Hey it’s chilly in here, want me to turn the heat up?"

Glancing at the afghan thrown over the back of the sofa, Mac exclaimed, "No, I have a better idea. Here turn this way."

Getting up, Mac waited until his leg was up on the couch before settling between his legs. Leaning back against his chest, Mac draped the afghan over both of them. "See, isn’t this better."

‘God yes it’s great!’ "Uh, yeah this out much better."

"Ok, flyboy, start the movie."

They watched together, both humming along in spots, both stealing glances at the other when they thought it was safe. The pair settled into a comfortable silence by the end, Harm’s arms wrapped tightly around her. When he heard her sniffle he glanced down, just in time to see the tear slide slowly down her cheek. Tipping her chin up, Harm wiped away the moisture, lingering just a moment too long on her cheek. Brushing his thumb along her full bottom lip, a shiver passed through her, and Harm felt it in his own body as well.

"I’m so glad you’re here, Mac."

"Me too."

The soft buzzing from the stove timer drew them out of the moment, and Harm placed a quick kiss on her lips before getting up to check on their dinner. Mac followed, and both set about finishing up dinner and setting the table.

"So, you like turkey? I didn’t think you ate meat of any kind," she remarked, sitting down at the table.

"I never said that. I just prefer not to put garbage in my body."

"Oh, I see. You mean Beltway Burgers."

"Honestly, Mac, I don’t know how you do it."

"Do what, Harm?"

"Eat like you do and still manage to look like that."

"Like what," she asked, smugly.

"Like...that," he answered, waving his hand in her direction.

"You mean buff and beautiful?"

Chuckling, he agreed. "Yeah, something like that."

"You’re just jealous."

"Of what?"

"That you have to work at being buff and I don’t."

"Ha ha. Whatever you say, Mac." Pulling out the bottle of sparkling grape juice, he poured both of them a glass before handing one to her. Lifting his up, he started the toast. " and now and new beginnings."

"New beginnings." Mac clinked her glass to his and, looking into his eyes, drank a toast full of unspoken promises.

They laughed through dinner, making small talk, learning each other all over again. The familiar banter, the light flirting, the heavy sexual tension; all things that made them who they were, who they are. When dinner was finished, washing dishes entered the routine of togetherness; Harm washing, Mac drying. He could have loaded the dishwasher but what fun was that? Then he wouldn’t have gotten to see Mac bending over to put the baking pan away. Or her reaching up to put away that glass. ‘Nope, definitely a better view this way,’ he couldn’t help thinking, pondering her denim clad backside.

"So, are we going to open presents after this?" She tried but couldn’t quite keep the excitement out of her voice.

"Sure, if you want to."

"Yeah, I am more than ready for you to see what I got you." The suspense was killing her.

"Well then, let’s go. Hey, why don’t we change into our pajamas. You can just stay here tonight, if you want to that is."

"That’s fine. I’ll just go change into those cowboy pj’s you like so much."

Mumbling under his breath to her retreating back, Harm had to agree, "Marine, you have no idea."

After both were changed and comfortable, Harm headed over to the stereo, starting Christmas music softly playing in the background. Soon, the lights went out and all that was illuminating the room was the soft glow of the tree. Mac had spread out the blanket from the couch and both Harm and Mac were seated next to each other, holding their gifts to the other.

"Here, Mac. You go first." Handing her the gift, Mac took her time in tearing the paper. It was perfume. The knowing smile that crossed her lips caused Harm to launch into an explanation. "It is just perfume, but it’s special."


"Yeah, it was really something. This lady at the perfume counter can do this...thing. I don’t even know how to explain it. She asks you all of these questions about the person you’re buying it for and then she can tell you the perfect perfume for them."

"Really? What kind of questions?"

"Like favorite animal, favorite food, favorite flower, that kind of stuff." He was looking away from her, but she could see he was slightly embarrassed.

"So, all personal things, tastes, personality?"

"Um, yeah. Then she chooses a fragrance that...fits the person you're buying for. When I smelled was you." Finally, he looked up at her, seeing in his eyes exactly how much time and how much of himself he had actually put into her gift.

She didn’t know what to say. "Thank you, Harm."

"Aren’t you going to smell it?" It was spoken so softly she almost didn’t hear it.

"Of course." Lifting the top off of the elegant bottle, Mac dabbed some onto each wrist and behind each ear. Immediately she was assaulted by the most beautiful scent she had ever smelled. "It’s amazing, Harm. And when you smelled this you thought of me?"

"Yes." One little word, so much feeling.

Leaning forward, she kissed him. "Thank you."

"You’re welcome."

"Okay, now it’s your turn." Handing him his present, she waited with butterflies in her stomach, as he opened it. He sat staring at the frame, silent. Then he traced the gold wings with his finger before moving to trace along the inscription as well. When he still didn’t say anything, she started to worry. Maybe she had went too far. Maybe...

"Where...How did you do this? It’s amazing."

Relieved, Mac told him about the shop and finding the frame. "The moment I saw it I knew it was for you."

"The picture?"

"I...I called your mother. She sent me a copy of it. The other I had from our trip. Do you like it, Harm?"

Looking up at her, unshed tears in his eyes, he gently took her hand. "Mac, this is beautiful. I love it." Hesitating for just a moment, Harm let the question tumble out before he lost his nerve. "Do you mean it, what it says?"

"With all my heart."

"Oh, Mac." Unable to hold back any longer, Harm crushed his lips to hers. His tongue swept past her lips, plundering the soft recesses of her mouth. It was a kiss of fire and passion, something she’d given up all hope of ever having with this man. And here it was, everything she’d hoped for, everything she could never have truly imagined.

Pushing her back onto the soft blanket, Harm covered her body completely, their mouths still locked together in a fiery kiss. Hands roamed, both needing to be assured the other was real, that this was real. Soon, the need for air won out, driving them apart.

Trying to control the raging inferno in his body, Harm levered himself up on his elbow. Tracing her features with his finger, Harm wanted to memorize every detail. The shape of her face, how it felt under his fingertips, the slight catch in her breath.



"What..what is it?"

"I just...I don’t know, Mac. This is so different from everything I know."

"How so?"

"This is you, Sarah. This is us. This is...everything."

"That’s what you meant on the ferry, wasn’t it?"

His voice refused to work so he simply nodded.

"Harm, I want you. I want this. Here and now, right?"

"But Mac what if..?"

"Harm, we’ll take it one step at a time. Neither one of us is ready for more than that. But I...I want us to get to each step together."

"Mac, I...I..."

Placing a finger to his lips, she silenced him. "Shhh, no more words, Harm. Just this...just us." Grabbing him by his shirt collar, Mac brought his soft lips back to hers. The kiss grew in intensity and Harm could feel Mac begin to squirm underneath him.

Rolling off of her slightly, his hands began to move over her body, across her hip, the swell of her rear, the side of her breasts. Breaking away from her mouth, Harm began a trek across her face; light kisses on her eyelids, along her cheek bones, her chin, her nose, across her jaw line. He kissed the hollow of her throat, up the side of her neck, to that sensitive spot behind her ear. The scent of her new perfume filled his senses, and Harm could feel himself get more aroused, if that were possible. "God, Mac, you smell so good."

Mac couldn’t help but smile. "Thanks to you."

"No, Mac. This is all you. You smell amazing all the time. At work, you have no idea how distracting it is just to be in the same room with you. I can’t concentrate, I can’t think about anything else but wanting you."

"Oh, Harm..."

Sliding his hands under her flannel top, he stroked her smooth stomach up to the undersides of her breasts. "Mac...I want to see you."

"Is that a request?"


"All you had to do was ask."

Slowly, Harm unbuttoned each button, working his way down. Parting the garment, Harm was in awe at the sight before him. "Wow."

"You like," she asked, looking down at her Christmas Victoria Secret bra, the green and red silk and lace standing out against her dark skin.

"Very much."

"Good, now take it off of me," she whispered seductively.

"Oh yes..." Reaching for the front clasp, Harm parted the fabric, mesmerized again by the sight of her naked breasts. "So beautiful..." One hand captured the straining bud of one mound while his mouth descended to the other. Taking the nipple between his teeth, Harm gently bit it, causing Mac to moan loudly.

Harm feasted at her breasts, licking and nipping at her swollen flesh, pinching and rolling it between his fingers. While still working one nipple with his mouth, his other hand started the journey down her body. Skirting along the waistband of her pajama pants, he felt her tremble beneath his touch.

Taking Harm’s hand in her own, Mac guided him underneath the elastic, willing him to touch her; needing him to touch her. Slipping inside her panties, his hand brushed her wet curls, his fingers finally sliding between her slick folds.

"Uhhh...God, Harm," the moan escaped her lips, as she thrust up against his hand. "Ahhh....."

Removing his hand, Harm reached for the top of her pants, pushing them down her long legs, bringing her matching panties with them.

"’re beautiful."

"Harm, please...please." Thrashing her head back and forth, Mac couldn’t even form coherent thought let alone sentence.

"I want to taste you, Mac."


Mac’s world spiraled out of control as Harm’s mouth made contact with her aching center. "Ohhh..." Harm wasted no time lapping at her pulsing bundle of nerves, licking, tasting. Too soon she was flying, sailing over the edge, and Harm was there waiting, watching the beautiful display.

Trying her best to catch her breath and slow her racing heart, Mac reached for him. Kissing his way back up her body, Harm’s mouth met hers in a slow and sensual dance, one meant to stroke the passion that was slowly threatening to consume them both. With a burst of energy, Mac flipped them over, Harm now laying on his back under her.

"Now it’s your turn, Sailor." With a naughty grin, Mac finished removing her top and bra before reaching for his tee shirt. Helping him out of it, she tossed it over her shoulder, letting it land in a heap behind her. Kissing along his jaw she blazed a trail across his chest, playing in the soft covering of hair. She licked one nipple and then the other, before moving lower, lower until she was rubbing his straining erection through the light cotton of his sleep wear.

Peeling the fabric away from his body, she gasped, then blushed slightly when her gaze met his. "Wow, flyboy. No wonder you’re just oozing self confidence."

"Wow, huh? That seems to be the word of the day. Besides, I thought you said I was just being a jerk."

"Yeah well, that was before I had the inside scoop," she purred as she went back to work, ridding him of his pants and moving back up his body. "And, no underwear? How kinky is that?"

"Well, I had to have something to offer. You had those sexy cowboy pj’s."

"Those? Sexy? Are you kidding, Harm?"

"Mac, you have no idea how seeing you in those effected me the other night."

"Oh, I think I can figure it out if this is anything to go by," she whispered, taking his throbbing penis in her hand and squeezing gently.

"Mac..." Harm groaned, letting his head fall back to the floor.

Taking the head into her mouth, she tongued him, licking, learning his taste, his texture, every nuance of this new unexplored part of him. "Mmmm..."

"Mac, I want you. I want to be inside you. God, I need you."

Letting him go with a ‘pop’, Mac crawled up and straddled his hips, rubbing herself against his cock. Lifting her slightly, Harm set her down on his throbbing member, both moaning at the exquisite contact as she slowly slid down, taking him in completely.

"Mac, you feel so good. God, how can it feel like this? So good...."

"I know, Harm. I’ve’s never felt like this." Matching him thrust for thrust, they moved as one, both straining for that ultimate release. Harm watched her move above him; her breasts softly bouncing, her head thrown back, a look of pure pleasure etched on her face. Reaching between their bodies, Harm stroked her clit, increasing the pressure building in her body. With Harm buried deep inside her, Mac again found release, his name on her lips.

Reversing their positions, Harm moved inside her once again. Pumping in and out of her body while Mac met his thrusts, wrapping her legs around him, drawing him deeper yet. "Oh yes, oh God yes...Mac."

"I’m here, I’m here. Look at me, Harm." Meeting her eyes, Harm saw it all, no words needed to be spoken.

Mac’s muscles clenched around him, and a few more thrusts was all it took. Harm’s body exploded, his seed filling her, and along with it the seed of hope and their future was planted.

It was a long time before either had the strength to move again.

"Mmmm, I guess you’d like me to get off of you now, huh?"

"I don’t know I kind of like you there, Squid," she teased him back.

"Good, cause I kind of like being there," he replied, leaning in to give her another sweet, slow kiss. Moving off of her, Harm got up to grab some pillows and another blanket off the bed, before heading back to their pallet on the floor. Dropping the items next to Mac, he was just about to lay back down when the phone rang.


"Harm, it’s Webb. It’s going to be later than we thought, so we’ll make sure Sergei has a place to stay tonight. Don’t worry about him."

"Alright. Take care of him, Clay."

"Yeah, enjoy the rest of your evening, Rabb."

"Good night, Webb."

"Night, Harm."

After hanging up, Harm made his way over to the hand set, turning the ringer off and setting the answering machine.

"Being anti-social, flyboy?"

"Just don’t want anymore interruptions." Laying down next to her, Harm took her into his arms, wrapping her around his body, before pulling the blanket over top of them. "So, you never said. What’s the verdict, Marine?"

"I would have to say, you’re powers of persuasion are top rate."



After laying there for a few minutes, Harm had to point out, "This just feels so right, Mac."

"I know," her quiet reply.

"What happens next, Sarah?"

"I don’t know, Harm." Looking up at the Christmas tree towering above them, Mac spoke softly. "It really is beautiful from down here."

"It is. I don’t think I’ve ever looked at a Christmas tree from this angle. I kind of like it."

"Me too."

"You know it’s funny but, I tried to think of everything when I decorated this year."

"Well, I must say you did an excellent job too."

"Thanks, but I forgot the most important thing."

"Really? What’s that?" She kissed him.

"No mistletoe," Harm murmured against her lips, his body starting to respond to her.

"Oh, that. Who the hell needs mistletoe anyway?"

"I totally agree. Merry Christmas, Mac."

"Merry Christmas, Harm." Mac replied as his lips met hers once again.

The End....

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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