By Kay

The stifling heat of dark hanger only seemed to add fuel to the fire as their lips met. After a few intense moments Mac broke away, gasping. “Well, well. Twice in one night. That’s a record for us,” she whispered, resting her forehead against his.

“Yeah,” he agreed breathlessly. “You know what they say though? Third times a charm,” he murmured, seeking her lips out once again.

Before she could stop herself her fingers were skimming across his bare chest, playing in the soft hair there. Smoothing over the solid muscles under her fingertips, Mac lost herself in the feel of him, rubbing, massaging...until she touched the bandage on his ribcage. Its rough texture jolted her back to reality.

Tearing her mouth away with a strangled cry, Mac made to move away from him. “ can’t.”

Reaching for her again, Harm pleaded, “Please, Mac. We can. I haven’t felt this good in days.”

Her head snapped around. Looking dubious, Mac ventured with an arched eyebrow, “Harm, you were shot, three times. I don’t think you’re up for any...strenuous activity.”

“Oh, I don’t know. You’d be surprised what I’m capable of when I put my mind to it,” he replied, sensuously running his hand up her bare arm. “Besides, only two bullets actually hit their mark. The other one was just a scratch.” His cocky attitude was weaker than he would have liked but it would have to do. God he wanted her, even if his body wasn’t really all that up to it.

“Oh, that makes me feel better, Harm,” she huffed, trying to be stern. She was quickly losing the battle with her emotions, his touch making her traitorous body out-rule her common sense. Looking deep into his eyes she saw the raw desire there calling to her...

Leaning in to kiss him again, she was almost there when the radio crackled to life once more.

“Rose Red, come in, Rose Red. This is Chameleon, over. Do you copy?”

Both Harm and Mac stared at each other before Mac finally moved to answer.

“We’re here, Chameleon. Give us some good news, will ya?”

“That’s a negative, Rose Red. We were unable to contact Berry.”

“Damn,” Harm sighed.

“Don’t give up hope you two,” the voice on the radio reassured them. “I’m trying to contact the big guy in charge and we’ll come up with a plan to get you out of there. Just hang in there.”

Harm looked at Mac curiously and mouthed, ‘Big guy?’

Mac mouthed back, ‘Admiral’ before answering out loud, “Copy that, Chameleon. Out.”

Harm watched the emotions play across Mac’s face as she sat there staring at the now silent radio.

“Mac? Honey?”

“Damn it!” she shouted. “What are we going to do, Harm? We need to get you out of here,” she ended on a half sob.

“Hey,” he soothed, pulling her gingerly into his arms, no matter how uncomfortable it was for him. “Don’t give up on me now, Marine. I’m going to be fine,” he encouraged, trying to put more conviction in his voice than he really felt.

Looking up at him through eyelashes laced with tears she whispered, “We’re not going to make it out of this one...are we.?”

Instead of making promises to her he didn’t know he could keep, he brought her mouth to his in a hungry kiss. Without any more thought to injuries or circumstances, Harm focused on taking them to a place where neither existed. He concentrated solely on the soft, incredibly sexy woman in his arms, urging her to straddle his lap.

At an almost frantic pace they worked on freeing her of the barriers of clothing separating them. When he tried to lift her tanktop over her head she noticed him wince. Pushing his hands away she reached for the garment instead, quickly pulling it up and off, tossing it over her shoulder.

Harm watched as her breasts were bared, unconsciously sucking in a deep breath at the beauty before him. He’d had more dreams, so many fantasies about her incredible body, that to be presented with the reality was completely overwhelming. Tentatively he reached out, wanting to touch the sheer perfection that was Sarah Mackenzie. Tracing a fingertip around one tightly peaked nipple, he gloried in the sounds of her ragged breathing.

“Harm...” the moan came unbidden from her lips.

“So beautiful...” he murmured before pulling her toward his lips.

When his hot mouth latched on to her nipple she cried out. Mercilessly he suckled at first one, then the other breast before skimming his fingertips down her rib cage to the button at the wasteband of her jeans. Harm wasted no time unsnapping them and slowly lowering her zipper before plunging his fingers under the elastic of her cotton panties, gently rubbing them across the downy hair covering her mound. Squirming uncontrollably from his intimate assault, she ground her hips against his, effectively trapping his hand between them.

When one of his digits slid along her wet opening she cried out and came with the force of hurricane. Harm watched as the storm of emotions played out on her face. He’d never seen anything more beautiful.

Trying to be careful of his injuries Mac rested just her forehead against his, still trying to catch her breath. “That...that was...damn...”

“Yeah,” he agreed, tracing the features of her face with a fingertip while his other hand lazily traced patterns on her back.

Finally coming completely back to reality, Mac became aware of the hard ridge of his erection pressing against the most intimate part of her through their jeans. In that moment the gravity of their situation hit her full force. They might not make it out of this one. This might be their only chance, and she’d be damned if she was going to go out of this life without him knowing how much she loved him, in every way.

Without a word she stood up, standing over him, before reaching out her hand to him.

Somewhat confused, Harm held out his hand, letting her help him up. He followed silently as she led him over to their pallet. They just stood there in the semi-darkness, the soft glow of the flashlight their only light.

Knowing he was still weak she went to work on his pants, undoing them and pushing the remainder of his clothing from his body. She tried to stifle a small gasp as his erection sprang free. He was so beautiful, so incredibly male, that her body immediately reacted to him. As gently as she could she moved them down on to the cloth tarps, pushing Harm to lay on his back. When she was sure he was comfortable Mac stood before him. He was propped up just enough to watch her as she eyed his aroused body with something akin to wonder etched on her face.

She wanted to touch him, ached to taste him. As quickly as she could she removed her boots and the rest of her clothing first before kneeling between his slightly spread legs. His body was bruised here and there, Mac noticed, as her hands wandered up the insides of his thighs. Reaching his erect manhood, Mac tossed him a sultry look before running her fingers lightly up the sides of his shaft. When she grasped him firmly in her hand, stroking him completely, Harm’s eyes closed in pleasure. She fondled and caressed him until his hips could no longer be idle, moving in rhythm to her strokes.

The urge to taste him was too great and Mac lowered her mouth over his throbbing tip. A hoarse shout of her name followed as her lips slowly slipped over him completely. Sucking his swollen flesh in and out of her mouth, Mac was amazed at how turned on she was...but she wanted so much more. At the same moment she started to release him Harm reached for her, tugging gently to bring her up his body. He tried to sit up with her but she stayed him with a gentle hand on his chest.

She was still so worried about him, hurting him, but one look in his eyes gave her her answer. He wanted this, wanted this moment with her. With deliberate slowness she raised herself up before sinking down over him.

“Oh god, Mac...” Harm groaned at the exquisite contact, unable to resist the urge to thrust up to meet her descending womanhood. When their bodies met completely, neither were prepared for the jolt of pure pleasure that shot through them.

Not able to stand it any more, Mac began to move. The pace started off slow but soon grew fast and frantic. She felt so desperate, so out of control. This couldn’t be their only time together, it just couldn’t. Mac rode him, reveling in the feeling of his hard cock buried deep within her, filling her.

Harm had never felt this way before, with any woman. They fit together so perfectly. He could feel every tremor, every spasm of her muscles as she gripped him from within, literally milking his orgasm from his willing body. He watched her move above him, her exquisite body on display for him, and he couldn’t hold back any longer.

Wanting to take her with him he reached between their bodies, rubbing furiously at her swollen clit. With no warning her velvet walls clamped around him and she cried out, his name once again on her lips.

He followed right behind her, his powerful, final thrust almost unseating her. His echoing cry of her name filled the small hanger as his body completely surrendered to hers. With a mighty rush, his seed flooded her womb, branding her his.

Collapsing on top of him, Mac tried her best not to hurt him too badly but just could no longer stay upright. She felt sated, content to lay with him, like this, forever. Of course she knew that was impossible, especially given their situation, but it felt so good to finally be in his arms.

Feeling him shift slightly beneath her, Mac moved off of him, settling for laying down beside him. With his good arm he drew her close to his side, kissing her temple. “I love you so much, Mac. No matter what happens, always remember that.”

Lifting her chin, their gazes met, hers piercing his very soul. “I love you too, Harm. And no matter what happens, I promise you, I’ll never leave your side again.”

Choked with emotion, Harm caught her lips once more before they settled in for just a few hours of sleep, her body wrapped tightly around his, both content with whatever the new day might hold in store.

They’d face it together.

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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