By Nicky Cubits

Mac knelt down next to Harm and finally got a good look at him. She was shocked by what she saw - his torso was covered in blood, his face was ashen, his brow furrowed with pain, his breathing labored. Damn, she had to get him out of here fast! But, they were pinned down.

She looked back where they had just been, the only way not covered by thick vegetation, but that's where Harm had been shot.

"It's not safe," Harm whispered, reading her mind.

She looked at him, her eyes asking, 'Well, what then?'

'How the hell did he know?' his eyes replied before he grimaced in pain, fighting back a groan.

Mac looked in the direction of the abandoned hut they knew was nearby. It would offer some shelter. But, the way was covered by vegetation, as was most of their surroundings. Harm touched her arm and looked into her eyes when she turned. It was the only way out of here.

Mac shook her head no. He was hurt. It wouldn't work. But, Harm would have none of that. Staying out here was too dangerous. They could still hear rifle fire, although nothing seemed to be hitting very close. They probably thought that Harm was alone and that they had killed him. Better for Harm and Mac that way.

With Mac's help, Harm pushed himself to his feet and he followed her lead into the brush. It wasn't as bad as they had thought - or maybe it was the knowledge that the alternative was even worse that made it seem that way. His ribs ached, his side throbbed and his shoulder screamed in pain but Harm stuck close behind his partner, pushing himself to the limit as she silently urged him on. Dirty and scratched up, they neared a clearing. Their sense of direction had been perfect, their timing too - Harm couldn't go on much further.

After making sure the coast was clear, they crouched low and hung in the shadows as they moved across the clearing to the door. It opened without protest. Harm collapsed to the floor just a few steps in as Mac closed the door behind them. He was exhausted and could take no more right now.

Mac got straight to business, pulling his shirt up out of his pants to check his wounds. There were two there on his right side, one having gone straight through his side and the second having grazed his ribs, probably nicking a bone. Mac probed gently to make sure there was no bullet still inside. He groaned, sweat pouring down his face and covering his body. It hurt!!

"It's okay. It's okay," she said softly as she brushed her hand through his sweaty hair. What else could she say considering the circumstances they now found themselves in?

"Yeah," he answered softly.

Next she unbuttoned his shirt from the top to survey the damage there. This was worse - a large, angry looking bullet hole in his left shoulder. "Damn!" she said in reaction.

This time her gentle probing prompted an involuntary scream of pain from Harm which he quickly and wisely squelched through gritted teeth. They were dead if they gave away their position.

"Easy, Harm, easy," Mac coaxed him through the worst of the pain. "Just try and breath easy."

"Mac," he said simply, nothing more being necessary between them. He needed her and she knew it.

"I'm here." She stroked his head again until he relaxed a bit. It was killing her to see him in so much pain and there was no way of knowing how long it would be before they got some help. If they would *ever* get some help. "There's no exit wound. The bullet's still in there." Probably lodged against the bone, maybe pressing against a nerve she thought but didn't say.

"Now what?" Harm asked, his voice hoarse but his mind still fairly clear.

Back to Collaborations Continue to Part 2


© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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