
Just you tonight...

It's not the altitude that takes my breath away

And makes my body think the airs too thin

It's not the bourbon that you've been drinking

That burns like autumn leaves against my skin

It's just you, you tonight

And the music you heard in me somehow

It's just you tonight

And I swear to you I'm listening now


Startled by the feel of something against my shoulder, I glance over at the man next to me. A tingle, starting at the base of my spine, fills me with a warmth that I have never known before. He had fallen asleep shortly after the plane had taken off, and when we hit an air pocket, his head had fallen onto me. His hair brushes against my cheek as he turns his head into my body. I feel the whisper of his breath against my neck, the scent of the drink he had earlier lingering in the air. I can feel the breath rush out of my lungs as his arm comes to rest across my body.


Looking at the woman in my arms, I can’t help but smile at the conversation that ended us in the same bed together...

It's not a fable that gives meaning

To the language my heart speaks to you

It's not a road map that tells me I've come home

Lying here in the quiet next to you

It's just you, you tonight

And the music you heard in me somehow

It's just you tonight

And I swear to you I'm listening now

"Harmon Rabb," I smile at the clerk.

"Welcome to Moscow, Mr. Rabb, Passport please."

"Okay, here we are. Reservation for one," she smiles up at me.

"My friend needs a room too," I glance nervously over at Mac.

"Does your friend have a reservation?"

"No, is that a problem?" Mac looks pointedly at the clerk.

"Problem? Yes, we have no vacancies," the clerk replies haughtily.

"Well, I suppose we can share," I look over at Mac, seeking her approval.

"You share room, you pay double." Then the woman says something in Russian to the other clerk. "If he can afford this bimbo, he can afford a double."

Whatever she says prompts a reply from Mac, in Russian, that causes the clerk’s face to turn red. Opening my phrase book, I start to look it up when Mac leans in, whispering in my ear.

"It’s not in the book," she replies with a sly smile that has me wondering just what the hell she said.


Once in the room Mac decided that she was going to take a bath, while I go over the documents pertaining to my father, once again. I was glad that Mac had been so determined to accompany me on this trip. My language skills are sadly lacking.

"Bathroom’s all yours."

I look up at the sound of her voice, and it takes all of my control not to plaster myself to her as she walks out of the bathroom, wearing a silk nightgown that clings to her body in all the right places.

"Wow!" She’s making me feel like I’m 16 again, clumsy and tongue-tied.

"You have such a way with words counselor," she laughs, turning towards the bed, but not before I see the flush on her cheeks.

I need something to do so I busy myself by making the chair into a bed. Turning to get a pillow from the bed, I almost collide with the marine glaring at me, hands on her hips. "Harm, I thought we settled this?" she muses, as I look at her sheepishly. "The bed is plenty big enough for both of us; you’ll never get any rest if you’re squished up in that chair, Squid."

"Don’t worry about me, Mac, I’ll be fine. Right now I’m so tired I could sleep standing up." ‘Sure, like I’ll ever get any sleep now.’

"Harmon Rabb, don’t argue with me. If anyone should sleep in the chair its me, after all this is your room," she counters, knowing that I would never allow her to sleep in the chair. "Both of us need to be well rested for what’s ahead. If you sleep in that chair, I’ll worry about you all night."

"Well we can’t have that now can we? Nothing worse than a cranky marine," I quip, moving to the other side of the bed, dodging the shoe flying across the room at me.

"You haven’t even seen cranky yet, flyboy, so I’d watch it if I were you," Mac says, as she slips under the covers.

Pulling my t-shirt over my head, I debate over whether to sleep in my jeans or take the risk and sleep in just my boxers. Jeans, definitely jeans. Pulling back the covers, I start to get in the bed. "Um, Harm, were you planning to sleep in your jeans?" she teases, placing her gun under her pillow.

"Well Miss ‘I Packed the Sexiest Nightgown I Own,’" I reply. ‘Let’s really give her something to think about.’ "I sleep in my boxers or nothing at all," I laugh as her mouth drops open. Now that’s a sexy combination: a speechless marine, in a negligee, with a weapon.

"Harm, I’ve seen you in your boxers. I think I’ll survive." She watches as I take off my jeans. "Although, I never thought you’d be a Scooby-Doo kinda guy?" Once I’m under the covers, she turns off the light, turning on her side so she’s facing me. "Night, try and get some rest. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day," she yawns.

"You too, Marine," I reach for her hand. "Mac, thanks for coming with me. It means more than you know."

"You don’t have to thank me, Harm. That’s what partners are for; being there for each other." She squeezes my hand. "Oh, and by the way, Harmon. This is far from my sexiest nightgown," she says while closing her eyes in sleep, a smile crossing her lips, and it leaves me totally speechless.

‘Oh God, I’m in trouble now,’ I think to myself, my mind picturing how Sarah Mackenzie could possibly look any sexier than she does right now. Damn, that would have to be some gown.


Unable to sleep, I stare at the picture of me and my father, the one taken on the tiger cruise just before he was shot down. What ever becomes of this trip, I know one thing for certain, I have never felt anything, for anyone, like what I feel for Mac. I meant it when I told her that she didn’t know how much her being here meant to me. She doesn’t know the true depth of my feelings, the love I feel every time I look at her. But I can never let her, or anyone else, know about any of that. I can’t risk the possibility that we would ever be separated. I have finally found my soul mate, and I’m not going to lose her over regulations, no matter how badly I want her.

Turning on my side, I watch her as she sleeps next to me. It’s amazing how peaceful she looks when she sleeps. I know she suffers from bouts of insomnia, I also know that it has something to do with her childhood. How I wish I could erase all the hurt and suffering she had been exposed to in her younger years. But then she wouldn’t have turned into the person I love and admire. I’ve always heard it said that you have two lives: the one you’re born with, and the other one you make. Thank god she didn’t back down from the challenge of making her life better than the one she was born into. I can feel my eyes growing heavy, so I place my hand over Mac’s and fall asleep.


Startled by the feel of something against my shoulder, I wake. My hand goes automatically under the pillow, reaching for my gun, before I realize what I feel. Glancing over at the man next to me, a tingle starts at the base of my spine, filling me with a warmth that I have never known before. His hair brushes against my cheek as he turns his head into my body. I feel the whisper of his breath against my neck, the scent of the drink he had earlier lingering in the air. I can feel the breath rush out of me as his arm comes to rest across my body. For the second time today, I feel Harmon Rabb’s body against mine.

So now here I sit on the bed, wrapped in a blanket. I’ve been sitting here, watching him sleep for the last 10 minutes. Watching as his chest rises and falls, noticing the way his nipples pucker in the cool air. I had woke up with my arm around his waist and my legs entwined with his. My other arm was on his chest, my hand directly over his nipple. Thank God he didn’t wake up, seeing as he had one hand on my breast and the other on my rear end. It had taken all my will power not to attack him right then.


I stir, waking slowly. I can feel her eyes on me, I always can. Just knowing that she is in that nightgown, in the same bed inches from me, causes my heart to beat faster and my lower body starts to respond to the vision in my mind. Hell, that’s all I had dreamed about, when I had slept, was her. That damn night gown was lying in a silken heap at the foot of the bed, while its owner's body was pressed tightly to mine. The rest of the time, my attention was taken with trying to stay on my side of the bed, a task in which I hadn’t been successful. Once, I woke up with her wrapped around me, one of my hands on her breast, the other on her rear end.

Opening my eyes completely, I smile at her. God she’s beautiful, even after the long trip we have completed, and with very little sleep. While, I’m sure, I look like something the cat drug in.

"What time is it?" I ask innocently, trying to hide my growing erection brought on by my earlier stray thoughts.

"East Coast, Zulu, or Moscow?" She jokes.

"Moscow will do."


"Even jet leg doesn’t throw you off your internal clock, huh?"

"Nope, although daylight savings makes me think twice."

"Why are you up? You having trouble sleeping?" I ask, suddenly worried.

"You could say that," Mac smiles. "What’s your excuse?"

"Oh, just a beautiful woman in my bed keeping me awake," I tug on the blanket wrapped around her.

"And how would she have been keeping you awake?" is her saucy reply, tugging back at the blanket.

"By trying to turn me into a Popsicle; it’s freezing in here. Quit hogging that blanket, Marine," I answer playfully, continuing the tug of war.

"Suck it up you big baby," she teases right back.

"Wait a minute, you have on more clothing than I do," I’m whining I know, but damn it, it’s cold in here. She smiles, probably remembering my reaction to the nightgown she’s wearing. I’m sure I looked like I was going to have a stroke when I found out that was what she had brought to sleep in. Actually, I thought I was going to have a stroke there for a minute. I’m sure bringing that gown was just a coincidence; it just happened to end up in her bag. *Yeah, Right* She wanted me to notice her; notice that she was more that just my partner, more than a marine.

Giving one more tug on the blanket, I have finally accomplished what I had set out to do. I have the blanket covering me now. And with it the added bonus of one scantily clad marine, that landed directly on top of me, one of her legs sliding in between my thighs. A marine that could now feel the raging hard on I have. Pulling the edge of the blanket up over my chest, I wonder if I could just act like nothing is going on. Like that was a possibility now, since the only thing between us are my boxers and the silk of her gown.

"You’re not gonna hold this against me, are you?" I wince as soon as the words come out of my mouth.

"I’d say you’re the one that’s holding something against me," she laughs, even as she tries to pull away from me. The action causes her thigh to slide against the silk of my boxers, where she can feel the full effect of my erection, and our bodies join together like they were meant to be. Her eyes meet mine as I start to utter an apology, but her lips silence the words before they are spoken.

I’ve waited years for this moment, all of my numerous fantasies and wet dreams, built around kissing Sarah. Now her lips are sliding over mine like silk over skin, sweeter and softer than anything I have ever imagined. My mouth opens to the probing of her tongue, letting it slide inside the moist heat of mine. Our tongues brush against each other, the strokes long and slow, before turning demanding and hungry. And now, I want to kiss her forever...


Slowly, I slide the palms of my hands up from his waist, over the smooth skin covering the firm muscles of his stomach. My fingers linger. God, his skin feels so good. The way the muscles ripple against the tips of my fingers as I pass over his abdomen lightly, teasing, barely touching. I run my fingers back down his chest causing him to shiver, causing his eyes to darken, and it fills me with power knowing I have such control over him. I move my hands back up to his shoulders, massaging and kneading the muscles of his chest along the way, my fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck. As I lower my mouth to his, my nipples harden as they brush against the soft hair of his chest, and I'm already so wet just from the nearness of him.

I trail my tongue across his neck, the tip tracing around his ear, before sucking the lobe into my mouth. I know he’s just realized how wet I am as I rock against his thigh.

"Mac, I didn't bring..."

I stop the words by pressing my mouth to his.

"There are other ways you know," I whisper, as my mouth moves to his neck licking, stroking. His skin is so soft; the taste of him unbelievable. I'm wound tighter than the drum that feels like is beating wildly in my chest. Moving my body until I am straddling his legs, I slowly pull off his boxers. I always knew he would be beautiful, but this goes beyond all thoughts I ever had, as I gaze down at his naked body.

Closing his eyes he groans loudly, and I know that he’s feeling intense pleasure as he squirms underneath me. My hands are on his thighs stroking, sliding over his skin, and he parts them, begging me to touch him without words. My hands massage the soles of his feet, his calves, as my tongue tickles the back of his knees. My hands slip between his thighs, causing him to spread them even more, until I’m kneeling between them. My fingers slip further, teasing him, caressing the curve of his sac, while my lips are exploring the area above his pelvic bone.

"Yessssss," he rasps, his hands running through my hair.

"Yes what, Harm? Tell me what you want."

"Oh God, Sarah," he pleads and I find that I like making him beg. As he moans and bucks against me, my tongue traces around, teasing him, never touching his hardness.

"Please," he utters, almost completely breathless now.

While my fingers are sliding up and down his shaft, my thumb circles the head of his cock, spreading the glistening drops that are starting to form.

"Please what, Harm?" I lick the drops off my thumb, and as he watches me, I see his beautiful eyes glaze over with passion. I can smell our combined arousals and it makes me even wetter as I continue to stare at him.

"I need your mouth on me, Sarah," he begs in a voice that, until now, has only haunted my dreams.

Slowly I lower my head, my tongue teasing down his shaft, tasting him, then slowly back up the other side. My tongue swirls around the head, flicking against the slit, while my hand continues to pump him. Then I finally lower my mouth, pulling him between my lips, as my tongue wraps around his cock. Tormenting him, I alternate with harder, longer strokes, then short fast strokes, as I grab his ass. Pulling him harder against me, I continue to stroke and suck, harder and harder, picking up speed as he bucks his hips.

I roll his balls between my thumb and finger, just enough to make him arch his back and scream. His hands are in my hair, holding my head in place, while he thrusts into my mouth. All too soon, that little gush of juice flows as he starts to come, my mouth still sucking hard, driving him to orgasm. ‘Ummmmm, tasty,’ I think to myself, even as I can feel the tremors from his body pass into mine. My own body to starts to shake from the force of what we just did, and I lose my ability to breathe.


When you whisper my name

It's like I can hear all these melodies I used to know

I remember them from long ago

It's just you, you tonight

And the music you heard in me somehow

It's just you tonight

And I swear to you I'm listening now


She starts shaking, and I’m amazed that giving me pleasure had this much of an effect on her. "Come on, baby, breathe. You're gonna be okay." I gather her into my arms and lay her against my chest, planting kisses all over her face. "Shhh, it's okay, baby." I find her mouth and I can taste myself on her. God, I love kissing her.

She feels so good. My hands start to massage her breasts, while my mouth continues to plunder hers. I love it when she touches me; I can't even remember my own name. But now I’m touching her. Her nipples are so hard, as I pinch them and roll them between my fingers. But my lips can't stay off of her neck, and my hands keep running under her gown, over her stomach, up to her breasts. My thumbs continue rubbing across her nipples, They're so hard, just for me. I can feel the heat coming from her thighs, as she moves restlessly in my lap. Her hands come up to cover mine as they rest on her breasts, helping me move them back and forth. She arches her back thrusting them deeper into my palms, as I pull and tug on them.

My mouth is teasing the base of her neck, it's so soft and she smells so incredible. It's amazing what she does to me, the way she makes me feel, as she grinds herself against me. I wonder if she knows just how much it excites me when she does that. I can feel the wetness, her heat on my leg, as she rubs against it.

"I need you so badly," she moans, and I can feel my own body starting to respond to her again.

I pull her gown off and toss it aside, my hands free to explore without restraints, and one of my hands moves over her stomach. Brushing over her thigh, back and forth, I can feel the soft skin against my palm. It's not enough, so I pull her panties down in one quick movement, my mouth immediately crashing back down on hers. My hands are on her ass, pulling her closer to me as my tongue slides sensuously over hers. My hands move around to the front of her body while my lips travel down her neck, nibbling, licking, sucking, biting, before I take one of her nipples into my mouth. I love the way the breath catches in her throat as I suck the hardened nub into my mouth, pressing it against the roof.

"Please touch me, Harm." The sound of my name on her lips drives me further toward the edge.

Placing my hands on her hips, my thigh goes between hers, brushing against her folds. God, she’s so wet. My hands slide down from her hips, my fingers brushing against her curls as her body moves against mine. The friction excites me even more as my fingers play with the wet curls teasing her over and over again.

"Harm, please," she moans again as she grinds against me.

"That's it, baby, tell me what you want and I'll give it to you," I whisper against her breast. I slide a finger through her folds, before pulling it out and placing it in my mouth. 'Mmmmm, so damn good.'

"Your mouth...on me...please..."

My mouth circles her belly button, my tongue tracing a path lower, as her fingers snake into my hair. Lower, her hands push me lower still, as she parts her thighs for me. My tongue strokes the skin on her thighs, blowing over her outer lips, before sucking them into my mouth, my tongue sliding along her folds, tasting.

"God, you are so sweet, Mac." My hands pull her closer to me as my tongue laps away at her juices, over and over, spreading her wider with my fingers. My mouth closes over her clit sucking, biting on it. It's so hard; she’s so hard only for me.

"Ohhhhhh, Harm..."

I slide my fingers into her, so tight, keeping my tongue busy sucking and brushing against her clit. ‘I could eat you forever...’ I think, as my fingers pump in and out past her swollen lips. Sliding another finger into her, my tongue thrusts inside also, harder and faster, licking away all of her juices as she grinds herself against my face. My nose is pressed against her clit; my fingers thrusting into her as my tongue joins them.

"Yes! Oh God, Harm. That’s it, just like that, Harm. Yes..." she screams, her hands pulling on my hair. Oh yeah that's what I want to hear, for her to lose control. Who would have ever thought she'd be so vocal?

"Come on, baby," I whisper against her mound, her hips thrusting up to meet me. "Come for me, Sarah." Her whole body is pulsing, tightening, clenching around my fingers and tongue. I raise my head just enough to see her pull on her nipples, twisting them, tugging them, as she thrashes her head from side to side. The sight of her touching herself turns me on even more and I plunge my tongue further, deeper into her. With my thumb brushing her clit, pressing it, my tongue moves back and forth. In and out it moves, not letting any of the juices flowing from her escape me, and she comes, pressing my head between her thighs.

‘Sarah, you don't know yet how much I love the way you taste when you come. How the feel of your juices covering my face, running down my chin, thrills me, makes me even harder.’ My lips blaze a trail back across her stomach before I slide up her sweaty, slick body and cover her mouth with mine.

"You’re even more beautiful when you come, Mac." Then just to see her blush I whisper, "You are so tasty, so hot. You are so amazing, Mac." I brush the hair off of her face and gently kiss her eyelids, her forehead. I cover her whole face with kisses. Damn I want to be inside her so badly I can’t stand it. "I need you," I moan, as I rub myself across her thigh and feel her move against me. "Yes that's it. Rub against me, Sarah. I’m so hard; you make me so hard, Mac."

I kiss along her neck, licking the saltiness off of her sweet skin, as she moves against me, faster and faster. "That's it, baby." Her hips thrust against mine as my breathing becomes ragged and I whisper low against her throat, "So good, it’s never been this good, Mac. I'm sooo close."

"That's it, Harm, that's it. Let it go. I want it, come all over me," she urges me on. The marine in her just loves seeing me so out of control, and deep down I know she will always have that control over me.

I feel her hand wrap around me, stroking firmly. Finally she pushes me over the edge and I cover her stomach and thighs with my very life's essence. Pressing my face into her neck I collapse against her. We’re both covered; sweaty, sticky and exhausted.

"Harm, if we don’t move soon they’ll find us cemented to each other. It’s freezing in here," she laughs lightly, even as her hands continue moving from my shoulder to my ass, lulling me into sleep.

"Can’t move...dead. You sure know how to wear a man out, Marine"

"Oh, poor baby. That was just foreplay. What are you gonna do when I really ‘storm the beaches’?" She rewards me with a smack on the ass, causing me to jump off the bed.

"Well, as soon as I get some ‘supplies,’ I’ll show you just how we Navy squids ‘man the torpedoes,’ Major," I taunt, as I drag her to the edge of the bed, before throwing her over my shoulder and heading towards the shower.

"Put me down you big goof," she yelps, before playfully biting me on the ass. Laughing, I continue to the bathroom, loving the sound of her laughter. It has become the sweetest music I’ve ever heard. I can’t wait until later. Maybe I’ll tell her how I feel. Yeah, maybe later...


It's not a fable that gives meaning

To the language my heart speaks to you

It's not a road map that tells me I've come home

Lying here in the quiet next to you

It's just you, you tonight

And the music you heard in me somehow

It's just you tonight

And I swear to you I'm listening now


Of course, later never came...

Continue on to Turn the Lights Back On


© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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