Dark Side Sith Lords

The Dark Side Sith Lords are a group of friends who play Destiny together on the XBOX ONE. The group consist of 8 members who play together each week on the XBOX ONE we do raids, missions, and quest weekly. Our group is consisted of friends whom we met on the XBOX ONE. Most of the times when we gain new members it is from playing with them in the game or we just randomly help gamers out. For the randoms we help out they can request to join the Dark Side Sith Lords and we will add them to the roster. We are always looking for new members!

This group was started by two brothers and their friends. We started out with only two people and then grew to eight people. The only requirements that we have for those who want to join the group is that you must be willing to help each other out. You must also be willing to help random people you meet in Destiny. In the end it is about ensuring that anyone we may come in contact with while playing finds something new or learns something in the end. Team work is what makes our group what it is today!

Mission Statement

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.


Request to Join: