St. Johns

During the half term holiday last year in Autumn, I went on a Young Leader Course for St. Johns. Here some photos that I took during the course. The ones near the end are of the parade and the presentation of certificates that we had at the end of the course. It was extremely hard work, especially as we had to do our presentation and parade in gale force winds!!!! I have a memory of a goldfish, and I can't remember names to save my life, so if anyone can fill in the unknowns, it will be very much appreciated! ^_^(labels name people from left to right)

Our graffiti - during our break time of course, we wouldn't DREAM of wreaking havoc whilst working!! ;)

Unknown, Laura, Unknown, Alison and me

People just hanging about in the corridor, some unknown, but cool people here, and the gay guy!

The kitchen staff: lovely people, and they serve some yummy food! Unknown, Phil and unknown

More officers: don't know the names of anyone there!

(Nearly) Everyone in the dining room

Me in uniform

Laura, Unknown, Alison, and the rest are unknowns....

Sergeant Spanky and more unknowns (the four in the middle are Cadet Leaders, the guy on the right is some kind of deputy of Sgt I think)

Me and four people around me

Greeted by adults

Cadet Leaders and flag

Everyone collecting their certificates

group with Sergeant Spanky

nice group picture

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