School Pics - 9th May

Sarah, Lucy and Rachel

Meg and Yasmin

Yasmin and Nital

Kam, Annabel, Elanda, Lucy, Me

Me and Kirsten

Meg, Yasmin and me

Hannah, Lindsey and Rachel R

Nicky, Rom and Varsha

Romaney and me

Sandeep, Laura and Sophia

The Chemistry Group 2001-2003

Serin and me

Me and Nissa

Me and Randeep

A whole bunch of people...I ended up taking about, 14 copies of this photo!!!

Hannah, Ryanna and Sarah

Rachel, Nicola and Charlie

Hattie and me

Hannah and Skelly

Me and Li Lib

Nearly all of us in a nice cafe in town somewhere

Me and Anika...with matching bags!


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