Useful numbers

Kyushu Bus (Kyu Sanko) 096 354 4845 - phone for bus times from Kumamoto to across Kyushu - Nagasaki, Fukuoka, Kagoshima etc.

Fukuoka Highway Bus JR 0935111616 (for reservations) phone for buses from Fukuoka into Honshu - Hiroshima, Yamaguchi etc.

Kotsu center 0963541111 - details of all buses leaving from the Kumamoto transport center. From here you can catch buses to all major Kyushu cities as well as Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto and Tokyo, as well as local buses.

Kumamoto Station 0963191616 - some English is spoken.
Tourist information 096 322 5060 (Kumamoto sightseeing center) 0963523743 (Kumamoto station tourist information)


Shimbara to/from Kumamoto "Ocean View" 0963114101 "Kyushu Shosen" 0963296111

Shimbara to/from Misumi 0964530611

Hondo to from Kumamoto "Marine view" 0963114101

Yatsushiro to/from Matsushima 0965370600

Ushibuka to/from Minamata "Ezaki Kisen" 0969734111

Minamata to from Goshoura and Hondo "Nangoku kaiun" 0996720028

The Ariake Ferry from Nagasu is an alternative to the ferry from Kumamoto port. It is about 1,000yen cheaper for a car, and is about 20 minutes faster.
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