Theodor and Frida Kuhlmann

Theodor Kuhlmann born Aug. 23, 1906. Married on May 15, 1928 to Frida Rhemstedt, who was born in Germany on Jan 20, 1907. Frida and her sister Mita came to America as young ladies. Theodor farmed in the Long Branch community until 1945, then moved to Sterling, Nebr. where he became an agent for the J. R. Watkins company. He persued this occupation into retirement, along with being an agent for German Mutual Insurance Co. and worked part time for many years at Broman's Grocery Store. He served on the Sterling school board, the Fire Dept. and the Sterling Clinic Board for a number of years.

Theodor and Frida enjoyed traveling, and were able to visit family in Germany on six occasions. They also traveled throughout much of Europe and visited all continental United States and Hawaii.

Frida passed away Sept. 19, 1993. Theodor spent his final few years at the Golden Age Center at Adams, Nebr. He passed away on August 22, 1999. They had 4 children: Erma, Lola, Omer and Donna.

  1. Erma born and died April 5, 1934.
  2. Lola born December 9,1935.
  3. Omer born July 28, 1939
  4. Donna born December 22, 1942.
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