Melvin and Adeline Kuhlmann

Melvin Frederick Kuhlmann born July 19, 1916. He attended grade school at "The Old Stone School" near his parents farm, which he worked on until he was 21. He was married on Nov. 21, 1940 to Adeline Goos, born Nov. 19, 1921. Melvin had several occupations during his lifetime. He farmed for several years. Was in Construction with his nephew. During WWII worked in the Mead, Nebraska Bomber Plant. The work he enjoyed the most was sales. which included Wear-Ever Aluminum Cookware, Earl May seed Co., and Farm Bureau Insurance. In 1959 Melvin and Adeline moved to McCook, NE where they purchased and operated the Ranch Motel and Steakhouse. Following the death of their business partner. Melvin sold for Farmcraft Feeds and then developed their Amway and Amzoil business. They retired at McCook where Melvin passed away on February 2, 2006 at the age of 89. They have 3 children: Robert, Sharon and Charles.
  1. Sharonborn September 6, 1946.
  2. Robertborn December 25, 1942.
  3. Charlesborn January 13, 1951.
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