Description Humanoid, Bipedal
Size Medium
Skin Pigment Tan
Hair None evident
Very enlarged ears with the tops forming a brow ridge.  Those who have been in the miliary will have a tattoo on their forehead.  Ferengi Teeth are all pointed, and they frequently sharpen them using a variety of tools.
Series TNG: "?", DS9: all.
Planet of Origin Ferenginar
Quadrant Alpha
Background The Ferengi have built their entire culture on pursuit of wealth, and are always looking for ways of earning money and rarely turn down a business opportunity - legal or otherwise.  Developed a highly advanced capitalist system led by a "Grand Nagus", who controls all business ventures/dealings.  The first Nagus was Gint, who set down the first strict guidelines for all Ferengi businessmen follow.  They became known as the "Rules of Acquisition".  Thier technology is highly advanced almost equal to Federation, Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian levels, although it is unlikely that they developed it on their own.  Most likely they bought/stole it from others.  First Contact with the Ferengi was first in 2364, and culminated in a battle between a Ferengi ship and the USS Stargazer, under the command of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard.  They remained a mystery until regular contact was established a little less than a decade ago. In that short time, they have stopped being an enigma and have become a regular feature wherever money is to be made in the Federation.
Editors Notes Males are generally the only member of this species normally encountered, because Ferengi women are still in extremely subservient positions.  Below are features of the Ferengi in detail.
Physical Notes The Ferengi are considered ugly by almost all cultures in the Federation, but these traits give them many advantages.

The Ferengi Brain is separated into four sections (lobes), instead of two, as in most humanoids, making their thoughts unreadable by Betazoids. Dopterians, which may be related to the Ferengi, have a similar brain structure, so their thoughts are consequently unreadable by telepaths as well.

The Ears are due to the thin atmosphere of the Ferengi homeworld, Ferengi ears have evolved to become more receptive to sound, becoming larger. Ferengi ears are also among the most erogenous zones of the body. Fondling the lobes is known as oo-mox and is quite pleasurable. The Ferengi's ears have small fine hairs in them, and the ear's of older Ferengis (like Zek's) have quite lenthy hairs, which are often styled with a small comb.

The Ferengi Diet often consists of various types of burrowing grubs and worms (tube grubs, gree-worms, chew grubs, flaked blood feas, millipede juice, and various beetles). Their teeth are small and sharp, indeed making them ideal insectivores. When a Young Ferengi's teeth become dull, they keep their teeth sharp and pointed through the use of special equipment like latinum tooth-sharpeners or less expensive equipment like chew-sticks.

The Senses; Ferengi have average eyesight, although evidence has shown that (in "Prophet Motive") Ferngi's have an accute sense of taste and smell also (Quark smells and licks Zek's Revised Rules of Aquisition).  The most sensitive and accurate sense, however, is the Ferengi's sense of hearing.  Such a sensitive devise has its drawbacks; in "The Last Outpost" the Ferengis were almost crippled by the loud blasts of thunder in the background.  They held their lobes and jumped up and down.

Family Structure The family structure seems similar to Terran, but Females, however, are still considered inferior.  As a result, many laws have been created to restrict women:
*Females must chew or soften the food for the family
*Females may not earn profit
*Females may not talk to strangers
*Females may not wear clothes
*Females may not travel
*Females must keep their room in a certain order (Ishka kept her room traditional" to remind herself of the Ferengi traditions she was rebelling against)

The Ferengi Marriage ceremony is very male oriented, consisting of Latinum Dances, Bridal Auctions, and the female wedding dress is scant at best (either nude, or a loin cloth)

Despite the inferior treatment of women, the Ferengi family structure works. There are no divorces or broken homes on Ferenginar. Because women do not work or travel, the men are never alone at home. The home is actually considered to be a blissful, relaxing place, where a male and a female can concentrate on each other.

Children have many responsibilties when they are young. Males commit to memory all of the Rules of Aquisition. They also, like Nog, must help out in the family business. Also, children go to school and learn helpful information in such subjects as economics, calculus, and business. The Ferengi have a high reguard for academics, especially economics. Knowledge is power, and the Ferengis know it. A Ferengi's knowledge of calculus or chemistry could potentially prove profitable in the future, so Ferengi children are strongly encouraged to do well in these subjects. When children reach the Age of Assention, all of their worldy posessions are sold in a grand bazaar and the young Ferengi then leave with the profit they gained as a result. Children are also, as in many other cultures, greatly admired and recieve special attention. Quark can remeber with great fondness all the the times he read to his little nephew: "See Brak acquire. Acquire, Brak, acquire!"

Government Their government was run essentially as a corrupt business for centuries before the modern reforms in the 2370's.  They used an odd honor system, feeling that cheating and stealing are acts of cunning, and that anyone who was a victim of their scams was not smart enough to protect themselves from them.  Generally known as crooks and robbers in the Alpha/Beta quadrants, they have looked toward opening trade in the Gamma quadrant via the Bajor wormhole.

The first "Grand Nagus" was Gint, who established the Rules of Acquisition - a list of practices and suggestions for the Ferengi to follow.  As a marketing ploy, the first rule was #162 - which increased the demand for the 161 before it.

(FCA) Ferengi
The most powerful and important association is certainly the Ferengi Commerce Association (FCA). The mentioning of the FCA strikes fear into the hearts of Ferengis everywhere--some associations only have jurisdiction on Ferenginar; the FCA, however, has power over any Ferengis dealing with the Ferengi Alliance. The FCA keeps track of your profits, your family, your holdings, your business, and your properties. An annual statement must be made to the FCA informing them of your profits for the year. An incorrect statement is not an uncommon thing, many Ferengis "forget" to include some of their profits in the statement. If, however, the FCA finds out, the penalties are severe.

When the FCA finds out about an incorrect statement or someone's lack of observation of a Ferengi Code or Law, the FCA sends a Registered Liquidator to your place of business.

The Reqistered Liquidator, (if he cannot be bribed into overlooking the incedent), informs the accountable male of the infraction, what he must do as a punishment, and how long he has to complete this task. The Registered Liquidator then shuts down any private business by placing a Writ with the Alliance's Symbol on the wall and the statement of the infraction. The business is shut down until the infraction is taken care of.

Ferengi Code The Ferengi Code is an ethical set of guidelines enforced by the associations working for the Ferengi Alliance. These guidelines govern the behavior of the Ferengi citizens (although they are not like the Rules of Aquisition, which are simply suggestions on how to create a successful business). The "Ferengi Code" is not actually a single code; this is a simplified way of refering to the sum of the codes created by the Alliance for the Ferengi Citizens and the Military.

Subsection 1027 Paragraph 3 deals with the "Improper Supervision of a Family Member." In "Family Business" Quark had three days to obtain a confession from the family member, make restitutions, and reveal their accomplices. If he didn't, the family member would be placed in indentured servitude and he would have had to pay restitution.

Paragraph 76, Subsection 3: Employees are strictly prohibited from leaving the work environment during business hours unless ordered to do so by their employer. Any failure to comply with this provision will result in severe fines and possible dismissal. 

Employees are given no sick days, no vacations, no paid overtime.

If a Ferengi breaks a Ferengi contract everything he and his family owns will be confiscated and sold to the lowest bidder, his mother will be forced to live on the street begging for scraps of food, and no ferengi will talk to him or do business with him, he'll be cut off from all contact with his own people.

Ferengi Military A Ferengi's status in the military is directly connected with his wealth; wealth is power. Millitary ranks are as follows:
Ferengi Rank UFP Rank Ferengi Rank UFP Rank
Nagus President KoMon Lt. Commander
Sub Nagus Ambassador QuoMon Lieutenant
Miser Admiral TarkMon Lieutenant Jg.
DaiMon Captain Zok Ensign
Sub DaiMon Commander Pilch Cadet or Crewman
The uniform of the members of the military seems to include a headdress. This headdress is a small piece of cloth worn on the back of the head which begins at ear level and continues down to the neck.

Actually, this cloth is simply a covering worn out of necessity as the costume which the actors wear does not completely cover the back of their heads. So, although memebers of the military wear it, it is uncertain why Rom on DS9 wears it--he's just a waiter! 

When Nog becomes a cadet at StarFleet Academy (a "military" position), he begins to wear a headdress as well.  All members of the Ferengi Alliance's military have a small stamp or tatoo of the Ferengi symbol on their forehead, predominantly on the right side.

Most weapons used by the Ferengi are begotten through trading with others. Ferengi phasers work using a forced plasma beam. the Ferengi have used Romulan disruptors ("Rascals") the Ferengi have used a purple whip-like weapon which is used to fire high-energy plasma discharges at a target. The weapons are very simple to use and, despite what it may seem, do not require that much skill to accurately fire.

The Ferengi homeplanet has a higher gravity than Earth, which gives them race a higher base strength, but even with this added strength, the Ferengi believe it is easier to run away from a fight than to risk injury. 

The houses of residents of Ferenginar have a large dome shape, almost resembling an igloo. The entrance to the building is a low arched passageway with no door. Near the enterance are towels, for wiping the head clean, and a box, for the collection of an admission fee from guests.  The Tower of Commerce is the tallest building in Ferenginar, adorned with a large spire.

For the brief look of Ferenginar we had, it was constantly raining. The dome shape of the architecture seems to be well suited well for a rainy environment, supporting the idea that typically the weather on Ferenginar is wet. Actually, the Ferengi have 178 words for rain and it is interesting to note that there is no word for crisp! ("Let He who is without Sin").

Religion /
Not much is known about the Ferengis Religious Beliefs. There is most likely more than one belief, however, much like other humanoid cultures.  The basics of one Religion, which is believed to be the dominant religion of the Ferengis, is known: When you die, two things could happen...

**1. The Divine Treasury:
If you were "good" in life, and always turned a profit, you go to the Divine Treasury, which is made entirely of latinum. At the gate of the Divine Treasury, the Registrar accepts your bribe and lets you in--if you lived, and died, like a Ferengi. The Divine Treasury is made of pure latinum. Inside of the Treasury is a Blessed Exchequer and Celestial Auctioneers. It is here where you bid on your new life.
**2. The Vault of Eternal Destitution: If you were not good, and your businesses did not turn a profit, you go to the Vault of Eternal Destitution.

There are precise rituals dealing with the treatment of the Ferengi after death.  According to the rules guiding the rituals, autopsy is strictly forbidden.  Dr. Crusher is confronted with the rules guiding these principles when she wanted to autopsy Dr. Reyga's body on the USS Enterprise-D, but couldn't ruin the body because it needed to be untouched so it could be prepared into discs of vacuum desicated remains (each sealed with the "Fereangi Seal of Dismemberment"), to be sold on the Ferengi Futures Exchange. Discs of Vacuum Desicated Remains are vacuum sealed discs of the deceased Ferengi's body, which can be sold on the Ferengi Futures Exchange. Quark placed his 52 discs of vacuum desicated Quark on the Exchange and Brunt bought them all.

Ferengi Sayings Never trust anyone who places your prosperity above their own.
Once we get our foot in the door, they'll never get it out.
You always know what to expect when you do business with a Ferengi.
Our word is our bond...until we decide to break it.
You only have a _______ (son, etc...) to think about, I have a business.
He couldn't hold onto latinum if you sewed it into his pants.
He has the lobes for profit.
He dosen't have the lobes to go through with it!
I didn't think you had the lobes.
My ears tingle at the sight of you! (used only with women obviously)
Don't get your lobes caught in the door on the way out.
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