The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[The protestors tried to push back, and that's when the rifles came out]
Database: Weapon: Blaster rifle
   Ceremonial blaster rifle
   Jedi Order
   The Sith
   Senate Guards
   30 meters
The Senate Guard rifle strap was also used as a seat restraint in the Naboo Royal Starship
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
Weapons Main | Senate Guard ceremonial rifle
Upon joining the ranks of the Senate Guard, a new
recruit was issued with a ceremonial Senate Guard
blaster rifle; a distinctive, accurate and powerful
weapon used for the protection of the Republic and
its most noted political figures.

    As the ceremonial rifle was used to keep the peace
in the Senate Rotunda, it was able to deliver a strong
stun blast and came complete with a stun prod for
crowd control either inside or outside the Galactic
Senate building. A muzzle was fitted on the end of the
barrel to dampen the blast. Being a ceremonial rifle,
although the Senate Guard's weapon of choice was powerful and accurate, it was also used for show. The gold-and-silver weapon was heavy and unwieldly; not the best choice of defence in a tense firefight. However, in the waning days of the Republic, the ceremonial rifle saw increased practical use. With the Seperatist crisis came new dangers, and the Senate Guards were always ready to deal with threats in this uncertain time.

    Despite the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire, many ceremonial rifles were still available long after the Senate Guards themselves were no longer needed. During the time of the Empire, the weapon was popular on the black market, and became a valuable collector's item during the New Republic era.
13 BE | Senate 01
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