The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[They're so small they're evading our turbolasers]
Database: Starship: Starfighter
19 AE | X-wing 02
   T-65c A2 snubfighter
   Incom Corporation
   Rebel Alliance
   New Republic
   Galactic Alliance
   Quad laser cannons
   2 proton torpedo launchers
   12.5 meters
   1 pilot
   1 astro-droid
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
The original screenplay for A New Hope had the X-wing squadron denoted as Blue Squadron, but was changed to Red in the final film since blue markings would cause problems for the limited blue-screen technology available
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The X-wing starfighter became one of the most iconic
vessels in the galaxy thanks to their pilots and the many
missions they undertook. From the destruction of the
Death Star through Rogue Squadron's assaults to battles
with Yuuzhan Vong coralskippers, the X-wing played a
pivotal role in all.

    Despite the ship being the symbol of the Rebellion, the
X-wing snubfighter was originally designed for the
Empire. Plans were made for a new starfighter to provide
power and defense rather than the high maneuverability
but lack of shields the TIE fighters were based on.
Luckily for the Rebellion, the entire design team defected, taking with them the plans for the X-wing starfighter. The new Rebel craft  was first introduced in it's first engagement at Turkana. From there, it became a mainstay of the Rebel fleet.

    Following a series of minor missions, the X-wings achieved fame at the Battle of Yavin, where X-wing pilot Luke Skywalker fired the torpedos which destroyed the Death Star. The X-wing piloted by Wedge Antilles was one of only four craft to return safely back to the Rebel base after the battle. It was then that the X-wing replaced the Y-wing as the Alliance's main starfighter. The X-wings were used again in the assault against the second Death Star, where Wedge aided Lando Calrissian in destroying the Death Star's main reactor.

    Though Wedge had flown as Red Leader in the Battle of Endor, he was transferred to Rogue Squadron soon after, and commanded the X-wing fighter squad in many famous victories. The Squadron liberated Coruscant and Thyferra, and were instrumental in the downfall of Ysanne Isard. Over the years, the X-wings were upgraded to newer and more advanced models as the enemies of the New Republic grew stronger. The XJ-series X-wing was introduced just in time to face the New Republic's most powerful enemy yet: the Yuuzhan Vong. Their coralskippers were seemingly impossible to destroy at first, though the X-wing pilots soon found weaknesses in the design: they used the X-wing's quad lasers to distract the shield-like protection of the dovin basals while a proton torpedo finished off the skip.

    The X-wing starfighter was still used in the final battles of the war, despite being a design that was over thirty years old.
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