The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[It was his starfighter, wasn't it? He's a Jedi Knight, so he can use the R4-P]
Database: Starship: Starfighter
3 BE | Jedi 02
light interceptor
   Kuat Systems Engineering
   Jedi Order
   Dual laser cannons
   8 meters
   1 pilot
   1 astro-droid
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
Lucasarts: Jedi starfighter
The Jedi Starfighter was first unveiled on Kuat, where
Jedi representatives and Kuati designers lauded the
innovations. The advanced model was also displayed,
and its built-in hyperdrive was the cause of much
excitement. After the show, the Delta-7's were shipped
to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and the Jedi Training
Center on Kamparas - they were also shipped to
various other centers across the galaxy later on.

    The Delta-7's stationed at the Jedi Temple were
housed in Temple hangar bays created especially for
the starfighters. They also made sure to customise
certain Delta-7's for the non-humanoid Jedi who would
be using them. Most Jedi had their own Delta-7, though
some were for general use. These were given turquoise-coloured hulls to differentiate them from the standard red starfighter. Each starfighter was able to dock with one of the many hyperspace rings the Jedi Order maintained above Coruscant.

    One of the Delta-7's first missions came about shortly before the Clone Wars. After testing the ship above Coruscant, under the guidance of Saesee Tiin, Adi Gallia flew her Delta-7 to Maramere to find the pirate captain Nym. After a cold reception, Adi and Nym worked together to stop Captain Toth and his Hex weapons. Adi, along with a flight of Jedi Starfighters, went on to play a part in the Battle of Geonosis, by guarding an Acclamator troop ship headed for the planet and later by finishing off Toth's forces in orbit. The Jedi Starfighter had definately passed the test.

    When Obi-Wan Kenobi set out to find a planet that had been removed from the Jedi Archives, he flew in his Jedi Starfighter to locate it. He found the planet - Kamino - where he also found trouble. He ended up in a fight with bounty hunter Jango Fett, which culminated in the armoured hunter flying off towards Geonosis. Obi-Wan pursued, and chased the Slave 1 through Geonosis's asteroid belt. The tables quickly turned, however, and Obi-Wan had to utilize the Jedi Starfighter's agility to avoid Fett. He later landed on the planet after hiding from the bounty hunter, but was captured. His inprisonment eventually led to the Clone Wars, which saw many Jedi Starfighters - both standard and advanced versions - battle the Confederacy around the galaxy. There was even a custom Delta-7 created by Anakin Skywalker, which played a large part in the final battle of the Wars.
When images of the Jedi Starfighter first appeared, many wondered why the Imperial symbol was displayed on the ship. It was later revealed that the symbol was actually the Republic logo - similar to the Imperial logo though it has two extra 'prongs'
Starships Main | Jedi starfighter - Delta-7 History | Custom Jedi starfighters - Advanced Jedi starfighter
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