An intelligant race of humanoids, the Abyssin of Byss
were a hardy species that withstood much on and off
their homeland.

    Abyssin were native to the world of Byss - in the Abyss
system, not the Byss in the Deep Core, home of the
resurrected Emperor - where they were forced to survive
in extreme conditions. The species as a whole became
resilient and tough, traits that were much needed in their
nomadic society. Abyssin lived in tribes, roaming the
deserts of Byss in search of water - scarce on their
harsh world, and preserved fiercely whenever found. If
more than one tribe was to come across an oasis of
water, the Abyssin chiefs would usually declare a
Blooding, and have the tribes battle each other for
possession of the water. Defeated Abyssin were usually
assimilated into the victorious tribe, so the only Abyssin
who lost a share in the water were those who lost their lives in the battle. A Blooding would only occur if there was little water; the tribes would arrange trades if there was enough to go around.

    As the Abyssin had no substantial exports of any kind, they were largely ignored by traders. However, the few visitors to Byss were certainly not ignored by the Abyssin. They were seen as rival tribes, and would often find themselves fighting for their lives in Bloodings. Luckily for all concerned, this behaviour did not last. An Arcona who knew the basics of desert survival staged a meeting with the Abyssin, and was able to ensure peaceful relations between the natives of Byss and the offworlders who came to trade. On the whole, Abyssin rarely left their homeworld, and were thus little seen in the galaxy.

    Abyssin had the useful ability to regenerate new limbs and heal wounds quickly. Their bodies were extremely efficient, and had a noticable lack of organ redundancy - they only had one eye, one kidney and so on. As Abyssin grew older - they could live for up to three hundred years - they lost their ability to regenerate. Those who could no longer regenerate either left their tribe to die in the desert, or were stoned to death by younger Abyssin. Only those who could heal from the stoning remained with their tribe.
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
Database: Species: Humanoid
19 AE | Abyssin 01
   Cycloptic humanoids
   Single eye
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
Species Main | Abyssin
The mask used for the Abyssin Myo in the Mos Eisley cantina was later used in the Holiday Special for a cantina patron chucked out for sleeping at his table
Abyssin gallery
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