The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[It's not that I like the Empire; I hate it! But there's nothing I can do about it right now]
Database: Organization: Government
0 BE | Empire 01
   Imperial Center (Coruscant)
   Emperor Palpatine
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
Organizations Main | Galactic Empire - The Imperial Age | Imperial Remnant
The Empire appeared as the evil organization of the Star Wars saga from the very first 13-page story treatment written in 1973
Feared throughout the galaxy, the Galactic Empire was
Imperial regime at its worst. Ruled by an evil dictator
and spanning thousands of worlds, Palpatine's Empire
was more powerful than any before, or even after it.

    Built from the ruins of the Galactic Republic,
Palpatine's New Order twisted many symbols of the
past government into dark, feared icons of the Empire.
The clonetroopers, heroes of the Clone Wars, became
the dreaded stormtroopers. Awesome Star Destroyers
evolved from the very ships that once defended the
Republic from such threats. And the Republic's own
leader, Chancellor Palpatine, who had weathered his
people through years of secession and war, ruled his
Empire with an iron fist. He made sure nothing could
oppose his New Order; the Jedi Knights were hunted
down and exterminated, and the Senate was filled with
Imperial dignitaries and corrupted Senators. Imperial propoganda was delivered across the galaxy when the Empire took control of the HoloNet, and regional governors made sure there were no dissident voices in the Imperial populace.

    The Empire ruled through the fear of force rather than force itself - a doctrine Grand Moff Tarkin supported - with the immense
Imperial- and Super-class Star Destroyers, not to mention the staggering Death Stars used to obliterate entire planets. However, the might of the Empire was sufficient to crush rebellion if was the overconfidence of its officers and rulers that failed it. Rebellion rose, but the Emperor failed to see the threat until it was too late.
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