The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[You are a protocol droid, are you not?]
Database: Droid: Protocol droid
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All protocol droids were based on the costume template of C-3PO
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Though their primary functions of translating and
diplomacy centered on the ability to talk, sometimes
Cybot Galactica's protocol droids just didn't know
when to shut up; they were extremely useful, but
could show how they got their 'Talk Droid' nickname
all too easily...

    Among the most humanlike automatons ever
developed, at least in terms of character, protocol
droids were often used as aides for diplomats,
politicians and officials. The standard TranLang III
communications module fitted inside every protocol
unit enabled them to speak over six million lang-
uages fluently - thus they became ideal translators
and negotiators between species. As well as being
unrivalled translators, protocol droids were also experts in etiquette, decorum, religious rituals and even table manners. A SyntheTech AA-1 Verbobrain allowed protocol droids to carry out these functions impeccably, though it did permit the droids a certain element of personality. Like other automatons, protocol droids required memory wipes in order to keep these personalities in check.

    Though Cybot Galactica had been making protocol droids for over a century before the Galactic Civil War, there was a boost in sales when protocol droid C-3PO helped the Rebel Alliance score victories over the Empire. Perhaps because of the skittish droid's fame, Cybot Galactica began production on a C-series of droids, manufactured exclusively on the factory moon of Telti. The model numbers ran from C-1 to C-9. All of the company's droids were actually created from the same basic parts to cut down costs, though some of the differing models had sight variations. Other protocol units away from the 3PO series were also been developed, such as the military M-3PO design and the 3D-4X administrative droid.
   Protocol droid
   Cybot Galactica
   1.7 meters
   TranLang III communications module
   Logic functions computer
   Broadband antenna
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