Characters Main | Supreme Overlord Shimrra
Shimrra first appeared in the New Jedi Order book Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[Yuuzhan Vong, conquerors, blessed of the Gods! We have come to the turning point!]
Database: Character: Yuuzhan Vong
51 AE | Shimrra 01
   Supreme Overlord
   Yuuzhan Vong
   Yuuzhan Vong
Shimrra custom figure
He brought forth the greatest threat the New Republic had ever
faced. He caused thousands of deaths on hundreds of worlds,
and all as a way of finding his people a new home. He was the
Dread Lord Shimrra, absolute ruler of the Yuuzhan Vong.

    Since the beginning of their known history, the supreme
overlords controlled their people through the will of the gods -
though in reality the gods were mere political tools created to
maintain power. Untold generations of Yuuzhan Vong
worshipped the supreme overlord as an extension of Yun-
Yuuzhan�s will, when it was actually the supreme overlords who
created Yun-Yuuzhan. Lord Shimrra was the latest in a long line
of supreme overlords, though at the time of his rule, his people
were in troubled times. They needed a new galaxy. The worldships they were using to cross into a new galaxy were dying, and the Vong were beginning to lose faith in Shimrra. In order to save himself and maintain power, Shimrra declared that the gods had given the Yuuzhan Vong the galaxy of the infidels. It was their Chosen Land, a new home that had to be cleansed of impurities.

    Shimrra was born a twin, a rare occurance with Yuuzhan Vong. In every instance, the stronger of the two murdered their sibling. So it was with Shimrra. The supreme overlord�s omnipotence was only overshadowed by his mystique. It was known that he had maa�it implants, which shifted through the spectrum constantly, as well as some horrific weapon beast for a hand. His true essence was shrouded in the darkness of a cowl-like epidermal mane. Little more than two shining eyes could be seen of his face, though his form could hardly be missed. Shimrra was an enormous individual, and spent his time in a vast throne room with his jester, Onimi. Shimrra could even sense other beings and their thoughts, making the supreme overlord mysterious indeed.
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