Khe Sanh Veterans Association Inc.

Red Clay
Newsletter of the Veterans who served at Khe Sanh Combat Base,
Hill 950, Hill 881, Hill 861, Hill 861-A, Hill 558
Lang-Vei and Surrounding Area

Issue 48     Winter  2001

In Memoriam

In This Issue
Notes from Editor and Board   Incoming   Short Rounds   Memoirs   Email  
A Sprinkling of your Poetry   Reunion 2001 Chicago

Those Remembered and Remembered by:
Click on Cross to Right of Name to View Photo


Dick Grenat V
Delta 1/26

Remembered by
John Bersano


LCPL Wayne Robert Barth
KIA 4/26/67

LCPL Dana Cordel Darnell
KIA 4/26/67

CPL James Gerald Pomerleau
KIA 4/26/67

Sgt. Kenneth William Orton Jr.
KIA 4/26/67

Remembered by
Dr. Dan Polland (HM3 Bravo 1/9)


Mac 50G Spike Team ASP

Remembered by
Jack Kull


All that suffered

Remembered by
Doug Meredith


Tommie Lee Winston

Vince Griffith reports that Tommie Lee Winston died on September 8. He suffered from Huntington's disease, and you may recall that he addressed our Washington reunion a number of years ago. Burial was at Riverside National Cemetery on September 30 at 2 p.m.

Bill Jayne

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